Is Pat really bipolar?

He obviously is mentally unstable, a lot neurotic, and lacks any type of tact....but I don't see him as bipolar(going through long manic/depressive phases). Unless throughout the whole movie he's manic and the whole "silver linings" thing is a part of that. I read his diagnosis was not specified in the book...perhaps they just threw it into the movie to make it more comprehensible.



Bipolar can be of different types. They can be long drawn-out bouts of mania then crushing depression. They can be frequent cycles of mild to moderate mania and depression called cyclothymia. They can also have just manic episodes without the real depression. It's just they seem depressed as compared to the manic states.

I think Pat may not bi-polar but more PTSD and anxiety/panic related disorders. His symptoms are not bad at all. I don't know if he was taking meds or not but the symptoms were fine.


Pat was bipolar and with pent-up aggression tendencies. He alternated depressive cycles (associated to his ex-wife) with sullen or manic moods. A great portrayal by Bradley Cooper, at least in the same level than Lawrence.
