[REC] - I wish I could go back *Spoilers*
I have a LOVE / HATE with this movie. I love the movie. But I hate the fact that I have already seen it, and because of this it robs me of ever being completely blown away again, like I was when I saw it for the first time.
This movie is so good. And by the way, I am American and I only watch it in its original language (Spanish) with English subtitles on. So enough of this "hate on Americans" crap about how no Americans can watch subtitled movies.
Anyways, I remember watching this movie for the first time ever years ago with my younger brother. I had heard some good reviews on this movie so without really knowing much about it at all I bought it on Amazon.
My brother and I watched this movie at night, with all the lights off and it blew both of us away. It was so good. The panic slowly creeping in as the characters realize they are trapped in the building with something terrible but there is no way out because if they leave the building they will be shot.
The characters slowly get picked off by this virus one by one. The complete insanity of the situation, as people become infected and nobody knows what to do and keep running for their lives.
The refreshing runtime of the movie. Less than 80 minutes. Feels great. A tight time frame to cram a lot of suspense and terror into.
And the final scene. Tristana Medeiros. I can not emphasize enough how knocked on my ass I was when I first saw Tristana through the night vision of the camera. Slowly swaying back and forth on her extremely long, skinny, weak limbs. How completely grotesque and out of this world she looked. And that is an accurate portrayal "out of this world". I remember distinctly saying to myself out loud with my brother when I first saw her "what *beep* IS THAT????" I didn't know if it was a monster, a human, or a mixture of the two. Then to realize that there was no CGI with the girl but an actual actor playing her.
It was just great. I have seen this movie approximately 5 times since watching it for the very first time. And it is still and will always be an amazing horror movie. I gave it a 9/10 on IMDB. But unfortunately I will never be truly surprised or blown away like I was when I first saw it because I obviously now know what to expect and what is around every corner in this movie.
Sometimes I wish I could have my memory erased just so I could sit down, in a dark room and pop this movie into my dvd player and experience it for the very first time....all, over, again.