The entire script could have been reduced to one line: 'AHHHhhhHHhhhh!!'
I'm not a big fan of shaky cam, found footage horror films, but hearing all the great things everyone said about this movie, I decided to give it a shot. *SMH*
I understand that in times of crises and chaos, humans become paranoid and hysteria ensues, but COME ON. At least edit some of the hysterical, annoying, incessant, monotonous screams that are heard throughout the movie. I swear, the entire script must have been in all caps. The actors probably suffered vocal damage as a result of this film.
I hoped that by making it through all these eardrum-splitting screeches I would be rewarded at the end. I was wrong. There is no redemption. Just like Every. Other. Shaky. Found. Footage. horror film, everyone dies, no one lives, and the last shot is of the *beep* camera falling and the last person alive being dragged away.
You've seen one found footage film, you've seen them all.