MovieChat Forums > [Rec] (2007) Discussion > The entire script could have been reduce...

The entire script could have been reduced to one line: 'AHHHhhhHHhhhh!!'





I'm not a big fan of shaky cam, found footage horror films, but hearing all the great things everyone said about this movie, I decided to give it a shot. *SMH*

I understand that in times of crises and chaos, humans become paranoid and hysteria ensues, but COME ON. At least edit some of the hysterical, annoying, incessant, monotonous screams that are heard throughout the movie. I swear, the entire script must have been in all caps. The actors probably suffered vocal damage as a result of this film.

I hoped that by making it through all these eardrum-splitting screeches I would be rewarded at the end. I was wrong. There is no redemption. Just like Every. Other. Shaky. Found. Footage. horror film, everyone dies, no one lives, and the last shot is of the *beep* camera falling and the last person alive being dragged away.

You've seen one found footage film, you've seen them all.


The lead actress' constant screaming did make this a pretty annoying movie to watch. Pablo! Pablo!!!!!!!! PAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBLLLLLLLLLOOOOO!


lol i mean she did her best with the script. Just wish the editors did their best in the cutting room.


You've seen one found footage film, you've seen them all.
I think this one had a better transition from documenting normal every day life to that of pure horror, but I have to agree with you. In a film that's barely 80 minutes long, there is a huge amount of repetitive screaming and giddiness-inducing footage in which you simply can't see what's happening.

I saw this on TV. So glad I didn't pay money to see it in a cinema.


i tried to watch rec as well as quarantine multiple times and couldn't make it to the end for exactly those reason.


I'm sure that if you or anyone else were in a situation like that you'd scream too. The screaming added realism. It wasn't annoying at all.


No, I wouldn't be screaming, I'd be rocking back and forth in a corner in a catatonic state.


I think some witty pre-written dialogue would take away from the 'realism'. The characters were annoying... so are a lot of people in real life. I see people going bat *beep* when an airplane is delayed never mind when they're trapped in a building with infectious zombie-creatures.


Yeah way too much yelling in this movie pretty much right from the start excluding the boring setup. Although I did find the last scene somewhat interesting when they came into the penthouse.


The best thing about it was that it was short - and I don't mean that in a smart-ass way, I mean it was economical and without flab. However, I just wasn't scared at any point. There were one or two JUMP moments, cheap scares (when they followed the little girl upstairs - don't look away from her man, you know what's coming!)

There was no building atmosphere of dread, just straight in at the deep end and a lot of very annoying screaming and hysterical running around. The shot where she is asks where the fireman is, looks over the banister and all the zombies (including the newly bitten fireman) simultaneously stick their heads out and scream up at her made me laugh - it was like a scene from Michael Jackson's Thriller video!


I just tried to watch it. I couldnt make it past like 15-20min. When they meet the older lady in the start and the camera started to shake i instantly got nauseated.

And the screaming lol. I would love to like this movie but impossible to even watch it.
