My theory about Guillem *spoilers*
I have watched [Rec] maybe three times now, I have a ability to re-watch.
I noticed something about Guillem that I thought was interesting, I was just wondering if anyone picked up on it.
Basically I think Guillem had something to do with the penthouse, the priest, the possessed girl, everything.
Now the reasons why:
1. When most of the characters are still alive and are discussing who lives in which apartment I noticed Guillem pipes up, in fact cuts someone off when asked who lives in the Penthouse. I think he says; "A priest, he hasn't been there for months now"
2. Around the same time it is discovered that Guillem is the caretaker or something similar for the building. When asked where the keys for the apartments are kept he takes them to the small glass booth where most of the keys are found. Though the penthouse key is not there.
3. Later when Guillem is dead the few remaining characters find themselves in Guillem's apartment. The characters find the penthouse key in a drawer, why would Guillem keep that one particular key in his apartment?
This could just be me adding 2+2 together and getting 783.
If anyone has noticed this please let me know.
If anyone has noticed anything contrary to what I've said or just something to shoot down my idea please shoot away as I've told this theory to a few friends, and if I could avoid telling other people if I'm clearly wrong it would be helpful to know.