It really depends what you're into, there's so many sub-branches of horror and everyone is creeped out by different things. This movie was a killer flick, but besides making me jump a bunch I can't honestly say I was scared by it, not in that lasting, unsettling way. I loved it, it was great fun to watch but it just didn't scare me all that much. There's a couple examples of movies that did creep me out, The Exorcist 3 is pretty creepy (though the ending bit sucked, totally ruined the creepy factor to me), the Korean movie "A Tale of Two Sisters" can be pretty unsettling at points. The original version of "The Eye" is pretty damn good, as was the movie "The Devil's Backbone". Another really solid one is by Takashi Miike called "Audition", creeped me right the hell out...I tend to be more creeped out by less action-packed horror...that slow, methodical storytelling that just builds and builds and builds until you're at the edge of your seat biting your nails. This one had some great scares, and definitely is one of the best I've seen in terms of "bus" scares (jump out of your seat scares)
"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."