London premiere

The London premiere is April 13


Anyone planning on going to this?


Yes!! My friend won free tickets so I'll be going! I'm so excited!

Something simple, something amazing...


And that friend would be me!!! We're going to see Daniel Craig!!! This is the best thing ever!


Oh my God we're going to be famous!!

Something simple, something amazing...


girls girls, how totally awesome!!! I have an assignment for report who else is there! Take some snaps and share, pretty please???? have fun!


Im not going to the London premiere bu Showcae Cinemas are doing free previews of this movie on Tues so I will get to see it slightly earlier. Wont be any celebs there though!


Yep, we'll definitely report back for you! We were thinking maybe because it's a British film there might be some other British stars there, supporting the industry. Maybe Jonathan Ross? Well we'll let you know! Agh now I have to decide what to wear..!

Something simple, something amazing...


keeley hawes is in it...and her partner is Matthew Macfadyen...???


I'd imagine Williams (and stone), May, McCrory (and Lewis), Forlani (and that generic crinkly Brit who's not even famous whatever his name is?), Hawes (and Macf?) and Jones etc will all be there too. Never seen Eden at a premiere, i don't think so no idea there. There are sooooooo many peeps in this tho I can't keep track.

*You're not listening to me. There are other things that need to be taken into account here*


I was at the premiere and spotted the following people:

Lily and Alfie Allen
Harry Eden
Keeley Hawes (without hubby)
Helen McRory
Olivia Williams
Noel Gallagher
Baillie Walsh
Daniel Craig (of course) - he was very sweet and spent quite a bit of time going up and down the red carpet to take pictures and sign autographs.

There were tons of others, but those were the specific ones I saw


i was there! we saw the film before the premiere at a press screening and then went to a press conference with Daniel Craig and the stunning ladies from the movie... Claire Forlani is amazing! and so is the lass who plays young Ruth


Awesome! Glad to hear that Felicity Jones (Young Ruth) is great in it. Loves her. ^_^

We are the angry mob...


That's her!! she's is excellent. Need to see more of her...


Yes, meneliks, I see that!!! MOST of the women in this film are drop dead gorgeous!!


Well we went! We walked the red carpet with the stars, got on TV (Sky News) and stood just feet away from Daniel Craig as if we were his equals or something! The cinema itself was amazing, so huge and so beautiful, there must have been at least a thousand people at the screening and I'm not exaggerating. We sat right in the front row, but it didn't matter because the seats tipped back and because it was such a luxury cinema, we weren't actually that close to the screen anyway!

They provided everyone with free drinks and popcorn, which we weren't expecting! Before the film, the Managing Director of Disney gave a speech, followed by the Director of the film itself, Baillie Walsh, who nobody outside recognised, but close up you could tell he was a film-type as he's had work done on his face! Then they called all the stars of the film up to the front and everyone in the audience applauded and took photos. This was the best bit for us, because as I mentioned before, we were right in the front row, so they were all right in front of us!

The women in the film all wore lovely dresses but they were all so thin. you don't really notice on screen or in photos, but in person it's actually shocking. If that what it takes to be famous I think I'll stick to the cake, thanks!

The film itself was really good, but to be honest my opinion's probably biased because of the circumstances I saw it in! It's very arty, the locations are beautiful, bit of a tearjerker, but there's a lot of nudity and sex so maybe not one to take your nan to!

As for the people who were there - all the stars of the film were present, but not their partners - Daniel Craig's girlfriend didn't come and neither did Matthew MacFadyen, which we were a bit disappointed about because we wanted to meet Mr Darcy! But overall it was amazing, something I'll remember for my whole life, and if my friend is reading this, thank you soooo much for inviting me, it was spectacular!!

I got loads of photos too, but I haven't got time to upload them now, I'll do it a bit later and then post the link for you.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

Something simple, something amazing...



Wow, nearlyangel, Thank you so much for the details!!! So sorry "Mr. Darcy" was not there but Mr. Craig aint half bad either! It is so gracious of you to give us ALL a fans-eye glimpse! What did you decide to wear, btw??? It sounds like it was a great night all around for you!

Disney exec.?? LOL???


Thanks nearlyangel! Mr D'Arcy was not there but could you please tell us something about his role (Jack Adams)?


Hey again!

Cubbie866: Yes I did see Keeley Hawes! She looked stunning. I've always liked her actually, ever since watching her in a TV version of Othello at school! But yeah, feel free to use any of my photos, that's ok. Here's the link to my Photobucket (Anyone feel free to look - I've written little descriptions for each one saying what they're of, lol) But this is only about half the photos. My friend took her camera too and got lots of pics, I'll steal them off her and post them here for you as well. I think she took some of Keeley.

Maui3: Haha, that's ok. Part of the prize was a meal in a sausage and mash cafe so it wasn't like we could wear ballgowns! So I just wore nice jeans with heels and an evening-type pretty top. And the Disney guy was there because Disney helped finance the film. I think he saw it as a bit of a pet project, actually. But it's definitely not the type of film you'd usually associate with Disney!

Bianne: James D'Arcy was actually there, when I said Mr Darcy I meant Matthew MacFadyen, who played Mr Darcy in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. Sorry for the confusion! But yeah James D'Arcy wasn't actually in the film very much, he played the husband of Evelyn, who is the woman the young Joe Scot has an affair with. But although he doesn't really have that much screentime, he does have one really poignant scene when (REALLY big spoilers) his daughter dies. He is at work at the time, and you see him later after he has driven home. He just sits outside in his car and cries. It's a very powerful moment.

Any other questions please ask.

Something simple, something amazing...



Great thanks, nearangel, and for pictures too. I thought James D'Arcy wasn't at the premiere? I couldn't find not a single red carpet photo of him.



Really glad you enjoyed it, i love it when people go to the premieres and make the most of it. at some of the press screenings i've been to people can be so sour-faced.

Just wanted to know if you noticed anything between young joe and young Ruth? apparently they were very cosy at the press junket before the premiere...


oo i went it was sooo fun. And Danielle Craigs gf was here she got out of the car with him had some photos together then he told her to go inside.

Anyways me and 2 friends had a great day first we watched my dad finishing the London marathon and had great fun shouting and cheering at everyone, the man in the borat swim suit had us laughing!
After we saw my dad we started walking towards leicester square but was walking i circles for an hour as we couldnt work out how to cross the marathon runners. iN the end we found a crossover! We got to leciester square about 2.30 and got at the front on te same side but up a bit from the news/tv.

When the stars arrived we was the closest to were the cars pulled up and when we saw Daniel get out the car we screamed are heads off! First the boy who played young daniel n the film came over then we saw Claudia Schniffer, the guy from oasis, boy george, alfie and lilly allen came over to us and sighned autographs then the actresses from the films came over and posed for photos. Then finnally Daniel came over!!!! He was very nice and sed about how his daughter had the same camera and how does it work, i had my magazine with a photo of him in his little blue shorts open 4 him 2 sighn but he just sed "OMG im not sighning that" and laughed so he sighned a different pic.

Heres some pictures i got p.s these have got 2 be the worst pictures of me i have ever seen probaly due to rain and quik makeup application lol:

Me and claire forlani :

Me and Daniel (he took this pic :D)

Us and keyley:

Lilly allen:

Claudia Schiffer:



Yeah it's funny you say that about Daniel Craig's girlfriend, because I was absolutely convinced she wasn't there, we were looking out for her but didn't see her at all, but I saw some official red carpet pics on a website today and they were of Daniel Craig and his girlfriend standing together!! And I was like, what??? Haha, we must have been completely looking in the wrong direction the whole time!!

Your pics are really cool, Christina. And it's cool your dad ran the marathon, how did he do? Me and my sister keep trying to make my dad run it (he's done it three times already, but when we were really little), but he keeps saying he's too old for it now!

Meneliks: About young Joe and Ruth... not really, but then again Harry Eden was really popular amongst the whole cast, they all cheered really loudly when he was called up to the front of the cinema before the film. But I don't know. There could have been, but to be completely honest with you I just don't know. I think I was kind of too excited to pay attention properly, sorry.

Bianne: Oh I don't know now, I'm all confused! I've already got it wrong about one person being there, now I don't really trust my judgement! Was I walking round all evening with my eyes closed? I think so! But I thought he was because they made a point of how the whole cast was there... but hmm I don't know now!

Something simple, something amazing...



That's ok! I haven't seen my friend's photos yet, but as soon as I do, I'll post them up.

Something simple, something amazing...


nearlyangel: Thanks :D My dad has done it 7 times before but not for 5 years becos he couldnt get in probaly becouse he was to old, so he borrowed his friends passport and got in under someone elces name lol. He done it in about 4 hours 10 mins i think. Daniels gf didnt hang about she got out the car and rushed into the cinema i think everyone was to focuseed on daniel (obviusly :P lol) too see her walk past, but yeah i didnt c her geting photos with her. Maybe this was when they came out the cinema after?

cubbie866: Thanks it was great :D Yes course you ca post my pic on the site lol :D and im really suprised they got photos with us cos normally celebs have 2 rush but daniel spook to us for ages! i think its prob becos we was on the opposite side to were most people were (becos once they closed the gates it was very hard to get to unless you went aound the back streets) so not many people was pushing and shuving so they didnt have 2 rush as much.

And btw did anyone reconize Boy george? Everyone was shouting it at this really fat bald man that looked nothing like him! Buti looked at some photos and it was him!



what about jodhi may??? no ones seems to have noticed her!



Good idea !!!

