MovieChat Forums > Flashbacks of a Fool (2008) Discussion > The amount of money on the Check

The amount of money on the Check

Did you guys try to discover the amount of money that Joe gives to Ruth? I believe it was 150,000 dollars or pounds, but I am not 100% sure. There is a close up of the check. Please try to read it and tell me.


The close-up of the check while he is writing it and putting it into the envelope is out of focus, so not possible to read. But it looks like a large amont, like $150,000 or maybe even $1,500,000. I stopped it and tried to read it but couldn't.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Funny, I thought that it read 320,000 (pounds sterling).


After much slo mo back and forth, I thought is was £25,000... it must have been sterling, it was a UK checkbook, and obviously aiming for a UK bank account. Me need some of that CSI "can you enhance that" technology.


Frame-by-frame and zoom reveals that it's made out to Ruth McKay for the amount of $150,000 from Beverly Trust of California, dated 7/10/2007. Check no. 1332, and when he tears the check out, the next check number is the same.


Thanks d_dave-1 . Thats settled $150,000, or about £100,000 in those days, just about enough to clear her debts on the farm. (love the detail about the check number, but seems strange though)
