MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (2018) Discussion > DO NOT REMAKE SUSPIRIA!!!!


I am not a movie maker, but I like many of you am a movie lover. I will give any movie a chance-no matter how bad the reviews tastes are quite eclectic, so one mans' trash might be an awesome movie night for me! (The St. Francisville experiment for example) I love to watch even bad rated Z movies cuz sometimes they are hella funny, but there are some things that shouldn't be touched..I mean remaking a movie to me is like saying "I don't think this director did a good enough job and I can do better.." What a slap in the face!!
here are my recommends for movies that should never be remade:

Gone With the Wind
Princess Bride
any Monty Python Movie
City of Lost Children
The Shining

There are more but these are sacred.


Yes there is movies that can not be remade and supsiria is one of them. Its just silly doing aremake. The people doings this movie know it, everyone who has seen it know it. Its being made for one thing, MONEY. SO dont support them by buying tickets. Start boycotting this remake!


Count me in. I will not watch this pointless remake, not even for free on tv.


I fear most of those movies you listed will be remade at some point, particularly The Exorcist and Poltergeist. Hollywood loves remaking perfectly good horror movies that really don't need to be remade. The last few years have been proof of that. They don't always turn out badly but are never as good as the originals.

To make my own list, I hope none of these are ever remade:

Terminator 2
Silence Of The Lambs


Silence of the Lambs... interesting.

Ever seen Red Dragon... and more importantly, have you ever seen Manhunter?


The Shining was remade a lot. But I guess you can call that adapting the book again like Tim Burton did with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Team Javielope!
Team Stalky! #1


just to add to your list..


100% Agree


I just used the Gone With the Wind Analogy myself earlier to iterate what this remake means to a horror fan. Thank you for validating my comparison.


If they're going to remake this, I'm glad Daniel Gordon Green is behind the camera. Though Pineapple Express was an awful film, Green is one of the very best filmmakers under the age of 40. In fact, he might even be the best American filmmaker currently under the age of 40. He'll make Suspiria really cool, of this I have no doubt.



I agree with you. It is such a pity that originality is lacking in Hollywood these days. Most films you see these days are a cheap rip off of movies that you like and the remake just makes you appreciate those movies more. There are lots of movies which shouldnt be remade, but you just know that they are going to go ahead and do it anyway!


Wouldn't say most films are remakes, but it is on the increase.


Half of the movies mentioned in this thread have horrible remakes or sequels already. Seriously, I'd mostly agree with what you're saying except I don't believe that remaking a movie is a "slap in the face" to the original or that they felt the original was unsatisfactory. There are too few examples of this.

In many cases, remakes or sequels are failures in comparison. But, as of yet, David Gordon Green hasn't made a bad film (in my opinion). His remake of Suspiria would no doubt be, at least, a good film. In comparison, it could be better or worse, but regardless, it will be a good film.

Half of the people in this thread don't know who David Gordon Green is (one of you completely butchered his name). Watch a couple of his movies (I'd recommend Undertow for this specifically), then decide whether or not you want to boycott his remake of this.



suspiria is within my top 3 favorite films of all time. possibly #1. right up there with santa sangre and the tenant. but all of you complaining, crying, and gushing about how "HORRIBLE!!" the idea of a remake is are ridiculous. they could make this into a cheesy teen cgi fest, and you know what? the original suspiria will still be my favorite film. who really cares? and to start another thread on it, when people have been pretty much posting the same comment for over a year? did you think starting a new thread about "why they shouldnt remake suspiria" was a unique idea? couldn't you have just commented on one of the other threads? why does a remake tarnish the original? granted, a lot of american remakes of great foreign horror have been terrible, but does that do anything to the original? i can honestly say that this remake will HAVE to be better than anything argento or romero have done in the past 15 years. i really hope this remake is as hallucinatory and dark as the original, and then all you "boycotters" can sit there in your basement crying into your popcorn watching the original, while us real fans can discuss what we liked (or didn't like) about the remake. hopefully dario gets some money from the remake so he can finance a new film that isn't as disappointing as his last uhh, 7? movies have been. (pelts was awesome though, thanks dario!) i WOULD, however, be happier if they remade mother of tears instead.



while i believe you do have a point, what about john carpenter's "the thing"? what about the remake of ringu? (the ring) or the 1988 version of the blob? how about guillermo del toro remaking "don't be afraid of the dark" a '70's tv movie.. is guillermo del toro uncreative? to be honest, i even enjoyed the remakes of the hills have eyes and texas chainsaw massacre...(although neither were as good as the originals). you ARE spot on with your greed and money comment, and there are way too many uncreative and *beep* attempts to cash in on foreign films that are already great, but you cant overlook the fact that the creators of the original get money and a greater appreciation for the original film once a remake comes out.




I agree that the movie still can be #1 in your opinion (Suspiria is one of my top movies too), but the real problem is that new generations won't have the same experience you did when you saw the original for the first time, because many of the will go over the original because of the remake, so it is possible that they get spoiled.

So... I think that a remake can *beep* what can be a really pleasant first movie experience.

I know some people that won't watch John Carpenter's The Thing the same way I did (and that's an example). Watching for the first time that dog face... mutating... is something that many won't feel the way it was intended. The shocking eperience is ruined, because the first Thing that some will see if that bug under a (I don't know what the f it was... a ¿shack?) or that chopper (I can't call it Thing) crappy fx.

So... a movie experience ruined, COMPLETELY. I will still love the movie, but is a slap in John Carpenter's face, just for some bucks (that didn't came).

Suspiria is a really awesome visual experience with a simpler plot (I think). It can be ruined too.


If David Gordon Green is such a great director, he wouldn't be burning his fingers on a classic horror movie that should never be touched!

The original was also directed by a great director who didn't need to do remakes because he was, well, a great director.


Dario Argento's DRACULA was a remake you retard!
