Thoughts on the pilot

I watched the pilot of Bob Hearts Abishola tonight. I enjoyed it. It was cute and funny and the characters are likeable. My rating is B+. There is a lot of potential and I think this could end up becoming a long running hit. I plan to tune in again next week. If you like cute romantic comedy shows, you might want to check out Bob Hearts Abishola.


Yes, the main characters are already hitting it off strong. That's a good sign because I feel like I'm connecting with them.

It's interesting how the two characters live different lives though struggle in their own ways. Each of them are the glue that holds their families together, bound to see this in each other.

CBS has a lot of confidence in this show, giving it a lot of AD space on TV.

A- rating for what it is.



I think it is better than average -- especially for just the pilot -- but it definitely can get better.

Not saying I found it phenomenal or notably good (because there is always a gray area) but it doesn't seem half bad at least for a start.


This show is just a way to slickly push anti-black descendants of slaves content. It accurately portrays how many native and immigrant Africans have an irrational disdain for American descendants of slaves but passes it off as humor. I'm not interested in watching weekly black on black "crime" disguised as comedy.


I just sat back and enjoyed the comedy. Very funny show. Not everything has to have a heavy hidden meaning. Just enjoy it and don't gripe. You'll live longer (with fewer ulcers) lol


This show isn't hiding anything. It's blatantly propagating racist stereotypes. But hey, keep laughing.


What stereotypes? I am sorry if I am not offended, but hey , that's just me.

Do you mean the stereotype of the "overweight white guy whose wife left him ad he's lonely for female companionship"? It's a stereotype because it's true.

As far as how Africans feel about American blacks...well, I have read up on that particular topic. They certainly resent black Americans coming to Africa and lecturing THEM on how to live. Africans who come here now were obviously not descendants of slaves so they don't have the tendency to gripe and complain about everything. Unless of course you discount the fact that Africans kept conquered people as slaves (just like just about every country on Earth did at one time or another).

It's a sitcom, but hey, if you want to bitch and moan about it, keep on!!!


So since certain things are inevitable we should grin and bear it? Pitiful.😔


No, it's pitiful when people just HAVE to look for ways to be offended. I feel sorry for folks like you who see something horrible in things like an innocent, funny sitcom. If you are SO offended, then turn it off.

I've tried to watch a few shows that had content which I found offensive, so I stopped watching.

I had a friend waaay back in college who was a bleedin heart liberal in so many ways. He was SO offended by Laverne and Shirley because he thought it "made fun of women." To him it perpetuated so many awful stereotypes about young, single women. Well, as a young woman, I thought the show was hilarious. He wanted me to be just as offended as he was.

Well, he didn't seem to be offended that the two young guys on the show, Lenny and Squiggy, were certified morons.

I don't know you, but you seem to have your "offend-o-meter" calibrated very high.


Tldr past first 2 sentences. But I'm sure it was mighty white of you.


Well... "Tidr"?? I have no idea if that is an actual acronym for something I never heard of..or if you are just a lousy speller!! lol "Mighty white"? You DO know that THAT is an offensive remark too?

I don't need an acronym to describe your posts though, you just come across as a crybaby dipsh#t


tldr = too long, didn't read. Basically, it's a way for really, really stupid people to put off this sense of mental superiority by saying that they didn't read your post because your reply was "too long" (as ironic as that is) and full of something they don't/won't agree with. A quick "argument" for those that don't have one.

Oh, and remember, black people "can't be racist", apparently.


charliekelly- thanks, some of the on-line acronyms are unfamiliar to me. I had no idea that eight sentences was "too long" to read! lol

Of course I doubt it when people say that they "didn't" read something. It seems to be the adult equivalent of when little kids argue and one kid sticks his fingers in his ears and says, "I can't hear you!"


"Of course I doubt it when people say that they "didn't" read something. It seems to be the adult equivalent of when little kids argue and one kid sticks his fingers in his ears and says, "I can't hear you!"



I think that you and the other poster who started posting that other "ADOS" thread are troll farmers. You are doing exactly what troll farmers do, which is to find an IP that you never watched, start posting crap pretending to be offended about it, and then use that to spread your propaganda.


You're welcome to believe whatever you like. Hell, you can ride a seatless bike for all I care. The silver lining is that it's doubtful this drivel will get renewed.


Okay, troll farmer. Whatever you say, troll farmer.


I'm not surprised at all that you would be so dismissive. I'll go out on a pretty sturdy limb and assume you have the complexion of mayonnaise, so it's par for the course.


Spoken by someone with the I.Q. of mayonnaise!



Uh, what? It's a sitcom, it's not even about crime, and you are just spewing a bunch of bull**** on this show that has literally nothing to do with whatever the hell you're talking about. Get the hell out of here with that nonsense. Nobody gives a fck about whatever BS you're spewing. Tired of trolls like you who try to make every little thing political when it's not, but you don't give a damn about real issues.


You're an idiot whom lacks the intelligence to comprehend the conversation. Do you know what it means when a word is placed in quotations?

Just because you're incapable of understanding the issue doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist.


it's very good.
Each episode is better, with a natural progression of their relationship.


I don't know why I cannot find sitcoms funny. I feel like I've heard all the lines before. I really wanted to like this show.
