Gonna miss…

Michael Sheen as a madman. More fun and entertaining than Hannibal Lechter. Also gonna miss Bellamy as Jessica she was fantastic.


Especially when she kicked Capshaw’s butt for kidnapping and torturing Malcolm .. did you hear that beastly growl she emitted when Capshaw said she made Malcolm scream.

Jessica also knows how to defend herself like when she used her stiletto to put down that nut case at Claremont..

And how she kept her nerve, incapacitated Endicott and saved Gil.

She is a survivor.... strong spirited and she knows how to fight back but not in an over the top way like lots of female characters today are portrayed...punching up guys double their size etc.

I love watching Malcolm struggle with his many demons, night terrors.

I cherish every moment Gil worries over Malcolm’s well being .. he is definitely the son Gil would have wanted but never had despite he is damaged.

And I even love Sunshine ! And I am still wondering what JT stands for.
