i hate people that go on boards and say things like "worste movie ever" and "i cant believe this got made", but im surprised there werent more negative comments about this movie. i really thought it was boring and just...kinda bad. i just dont know if rainn wilson is ready to carry a whole movie yet.
well its not really like that. i couldnt have done a thing, because i dont know anyhting about making movies. im not saying anyone is a moron or a bad actor for making or being in it, it just wasnt my bag. i guess i just saw dwight shroot in every scene, which was my fault for not being able to see past it. my not liking it doesnt make me thing it was a "bad" movie, really.
maybe....just hindered my supension of belief. i think he will be a good leading actor in future movies. its hard to nail in on the first go. i can respect that. i still think wilson isa funny son of a....gun.
Ive done that before with a few actors too, Im sure it will be easier to separate the character from the actor once he has been involved in a few more films!
I thought it was a very good movie. Not that funny, but very entertaining and upbeat, flawless rythm all along and great music. Shockingly, the film bombed in the screens, due only to the association of Rainn to his role in "The Ofice". I guess me not having seen that tv series ever made the film more enjoyable. Making a film is a really scary process, you never now what will go wrong.
the thing I liked about it is that Rainn Wilson wasn't anything like Dwight Schrute because if he was then I would consider him a bad actor without any variety in his acting ability.
I thought this was a terrible movie!!! I don't understand what you people were laughing at throughout the thing. There were two parts in the entire movie that made me chuckle: SPOILER!!! 1)when the guy is sleeping with his eyes open and 2)at the end when Vesuvius is speaking with British accents. Beyond that I got nothing. I really like Rainn Wilson in The Office and expected better of him. The other band members were just kids so at least their bad acting is somewhat forgivable. Whoever played their manager was almost funny, but the fact that he came close but couldn't quite make it made me even more disgusted. And its not like I just refuse to give movies like this a chance. I thought that School of Rock and Detroit Rock City were OK ( I think I gave em both about a 7) and those movies like Blades of Glory or the ping pong movie are basically the same thing, just with "sports," and they were OK.
I just don't understand how you can take a tailormade premise like this one, and not have time to come up with at least 8-10 good quality jokes. Not even good witty dialogue like The Office that the actors can work with, but just flat out jokes. Whatever. It doesn't really bother me that much, I was just expecting better. Not like Spinal Tap better, but better.
i wouldn't blame rainn for his performance. i love dwight, job from areested dev, christina applegate, matt's mum, and i thought emma-whats-her-face was the only redeeming part of "the house bunny" so i thought they would all make it funny. but as the movie progressed i realised they didn't have much to work with
it's hard to go from something like the office or arrested devrlopment and be as funny in a movie as sh!t as this.
there were so many things that made this movie suck so hard but the biggest disappointment for me was that they had all these funny actors in one flick and it bombed big time
I agree, I didn't really care for it either. It just wasn't as funny as I expected, especially given the cast. The only parts I really found myself laughing at were the scenes with his band from 86.
I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
I found this movie was an annoying depiction of what being a musician is. You don't become superstars from some stupid video. The serious parts of this movie were lame and the funny parts almost non-existent.
The way this started out I really thought it'd be one of those 'good' movies that I could enjoy over and over again.... but then it took a turn like someone else in here said, making it kinda 'Disney' even though there were some R gags in there. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong w/ a good Disney flick... it was just a weird contrast of feelings w/in the same movie and it took me from crazy, headbangin' loons to a music video for an after school special... and I'm just not into that kind of thing. I'll still watch it if it's on again, if only for the 1st 1/2. There's a lot of movies like that for me... just can only go so far and then it changes on me too much to enjoy.
I actually like Rainn (never seen The Office, so I never had that association to deal w/) and was thinking, this guys pretty f'n good and its good to see a new guy in comedies for once.
Same here I thought this movie was crappy it didn't make me laugh enough, there were funny parts in it but it was mostly kind of boring and bland plus the band sucked.
I thought this was consistently funny throughout. Maybe a little predictable, but movies like this always are. I also liked that though their musical stylings were completely different, Fish never tried to change ADD his heavy metal style and was always positive.