Are there different versions of the DVD?
So I rented this movie yesterday, and this morning I put the dvd in. I look at the back of the box and see a ton of special features listed, including 2 commentaries and a music video for "Bitter."
On the main menu, however, I don't see "Special Features," though I do see "Play Movie," "Scene Selection," and "Languages."
Odd. Well, I watch the movie and enjoy it. So now I'm curious to check out the special features. And again, I notice no listing. I mess around, thinking maybe it is hidden for some reason. No. I take out the DVD and look at it thinking that, like some DVDs, the special features are on the other side of the disc. Nope.
So there just are NO special features on my DVD, even though there are 17 special features listed on the box?
What the hell?
Has this happened to anyone else?
Are there different versions of the DVD out there?