A Santa Western

Aside from a few costume issues with the Soldiers uniforms, I enjoyed this one. It has some padding in the middle, specifically with Walt Goggins training and driving, but it's fun. Just think of it as a Spaghetti Western with Santa.


I watched it last night and enjoyed it fairly well.

Not sure I'd regard it as a "Santa Western" but I can at least see how you'd get there in your thought process.

It's a smaller movie that I expected. The trailer made me think there would be more action. There is actually very little action, and I looked up the budget, and it was made for only $20 million. I have to wonder how much of that went to Mel and Goggins.

It was fairly amusing. Tonally, kind of weird. It gets strangely dark at times. But if you are looking for something Christmas-themed to watch and don't want to double-back to movies you've seen 10x already, it might be worth a look. It's largely a movie that is made worthy by the presence and performances of its stars.


They really needed a U.S. Army advisor on set. Or maybe just look at an Army documentary from the last 10 years to see how soldiers wear their covers and uniforms. I was entertained enough to watch through to the end. Two things rubbed me the wrong way: (1) the portrayals of graphic and personal violence against defenseless people (hard to watch in what was essentially a dark comedy) (2) the lack of any consequences for the Billy Wenan character. It was like the writers didn’t know how to end the character’s arc so they treated him like a boy who gets grounded rather than the violent criminal who committed a half dozen felonies during the course of the movie.


110% agree on military advisor. Wearing mandarin collar up and patrol cap indoors are the two easiest fixes that many productions miss. I figured it was low budget since the didn't use the LMTV or PLS.
I don't mind Billy being let go. It's the first time he faced a consequence. Rather than being a brat who has an easy way out, he now knows he's on the shit list. I think you make a good point regardless.
