Saw a Screening
It sucks. Very boring and predictable.
I normally like most of David O'Russells films so I was really surprised by how dull and messy this one was. The first hour in particular is very tough to watch as the plot is all over the play, characters are introduced with littel development, and the editing is really rough. It really takes almost an hour into the film before it really becomes apparant what the movie is even really about because the pacing is so terrible. Even more surprisng is that the performances aren't either. Christian Bale is alright, but his character is pretty one note. John David Washington, Margot Robbie, Chris Rock, De Niro all felt like they were just phoning it in for a paycheck and had no chemistry at all. Taylor Swift in particular is really bad, but she's only in the movie for the first 10 minutes. One the story finally kicks in, it's not very interesting and pretty predictable for being a "crazy true story" type film and in the end it tries to have this whole message about "Choose Love and Friendship over Greed & Hate" that feels totally unearned and was laughably bad.
If I had to rate this, I'd give it a 3/10. Really had to beleive after making so many great movies O'Russell directed a piece of shit like this.
I'm happy to answer any other questions.