MovieChat Forums > The Power of the Dog (2021) Discussion > 5 things I learned watching The Power of...

5 things I learned watching The Power of the Dog

Yo we need to bring back these posts from the imdb boards. They were hilarious. I know back then there were always ‘10 things’ but I’m not comitting to something of that magnitude right now.

Bear with me I’m improvising as I go, I just hope I get the ball rolling and you add your own.

5 things I learned watching The Power of the Dog:

1. In 1925, imagining shapes in surface features (like hills) completely dumbfounds full grown men. You can be anybody when you do it, a legendary rancher or a kid, it’s simply sorcery to people.
2. Sometimes the only thing standing between you and a happy Christmas family reunion is an unwashed relative.
3. If you’re hiding a secret cache of gay nudies, remember to include a female one in the stack so nobody suspects anything.
4. A dead cow in the middle of the road means free anthrax.
5. Governors are the perfect agents to distiguish honest dirt from corrupt dirt.


6. Do NOT bully weird kids with a lot of medical books in their room.



They left the dog behind.
