The Obama Admin Personified

Anyone with half a brain can see this as Ben Benake, "little" Tim Geithner, and the 7 out of 11 Goldman Sachs gang on Odummies cabinet. Of course they had to set it in Bushs's term when in fact it was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act(written by two Dems and passed by a Dem controlled Congress and Senate and President) that paved the way for derivative banking that has destroyed our country. Bush tripped us and Obama has kicked us while we're down. Obama is Bush on steroids. Ron Paul 2012 or no one! This movie is an apologist sham of half-truths and half-lies. Shameful at best and revisionist history in reality.


Shut up. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was under Clinton but a GOP House and Senate. They had it set during Bush's term because that's when the collapse happened. Lastly, Ron Paul wants EVEN LESS regulation. You think Glass-Steagall comes back with that clown.


Repeal of Glass-Steagall was bipartisan. You are clueless. But as a Ron Paul supporter, why am I not surprised?


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