Gekko's daughter is depressing

I can't recall even one scene in the movie where she isn't p.o. 'd about something or crying.


She's absolutely annoying.


Yeah she ruined the movie for me, they should have hired a less annoying actress or made a better character out of her.


I don't care for Carey plain-as-paper Mulligan, but I think the way the girl was written there was nothing any actress could do with the role. She was a cry baby who thought she was actually out there making a difference.

And why would she fall for a guy in the same buissiness as daddy? Convienince.


Agreed. I simply didn't buy her falling in love with a Wall Street guy when she actually later reprimands him for being said Wall Street guy.


I completely agree. She was such a crybaby, always moaning, complaining or crying. I couldnĀ“t stand her.


Wait, that was his daughter? I thought it was his son. I thought Shia LeBoof was in a same-sex relationship.



The character was terrible. 100 million in the bank yet she does nothing but whine, complain, and cry


Annoying b*tch.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


She's awful. I'm watching the movie on TV right now and someone needs to smack her. Typical - the one female character in the entire movie and she's an angry cardboard character.
