it was not earned legally.
it was insider trading, which is illegal even if arguably not unethical.
The rich don't like losing money, so insider trading is illegal, unless of course they are doing it themselves all the time, in which case its perfectly legal.
But in this case, gecko was insider trading and taking money from the rich people like wildeman, not the poor. So he paid the price.
i think you misunderstood the film by the way.
The whole film, both of them is all about how
1) wall st is a zero sum game, like gambling. It does not create anything, just like gambling it transfers money from losers to winners. Every time banks make billions on wall st, people out there have lost billions, usually these patsies are pension fund holders, sovereign wealth funds etc.
2) it's all a masive ponzi scheme bubble. Banks via fractional reserve banking are constantly increasing the money supply. This new money has 2 effects, it funnels its way into creating bubbles, tulipmania, blue chips, tech stocks, IT companies, properties, sub prime mortgages etc (green is the new bubble as gecko says).
3) When the banks stop making new money to keep funding the ponzi pyramid scheme of speculative wall st investing, all of these bubbles crash, and someone is left holding worthless assets. Like sub prime mortgages. But whoever bought at the low beginning of the bubble and sold at the peak of the bubble would have made a hefty killing i.e. the rich banks.
4) the act of creating all this new money results in theft by inflation. Imagine there are 30 billion in the economy all owned by the people, and then you allow banks to create 1billion a year every year.
The first year the banks create 1 billion and people have 30billion. The next year the banks create another billion, and the next another and so on. Within 30 years by the simple process of creating money out of thin air, the money supply has increased to 60billion, and the banks now own 30billion of it.
They now own half of america, by the simple process of theft by inflation. The people of america who initially owned 30billion and all of america, now have lost half their wealth, half of the country to the bankers.
This is how fractional reserve banking, quantitive easing and inflation works, it is theft by inflation, transferring money from those who can't create money (working class america) to those who can (bankers).
In islamic law it is known as riba, and is considered a capital crime.
this is what the film was about, showing how its all a game of stealing money.From the people to the bankers.