jacob's salary per year?

Hi, i dont know if this was ever discussed in the movie and i have seen it, but could of missed it, but if it's not known what do you think jacob moore salry would have been per year?

was he an investment banker correct?, would h have earned more one than the next?, or would he have been on a set salry regardless and any extra would have been bonuses?, i only wondored because jacobds boss gave him a bonus cheque for $1.4million and figured if that was just a bonus then his actual salary must be alot, any speculations?



Bretton mentioned that Jacob will start out at 300,000 per year when Jacob asked what his "number" was.


This is something a lot of people didn't realize either until the meltdown.

A lot of people, even the execs don't have huge salaries. Those are just to establish that they work there. It's ALL about the bonuses.

That's another way we got into trouble.

We stopped putting real money into the right slots on the P and L sheets. Everywhere.


Don't lose any sleep over this because his job was complete fiction... it does not exist. He was a combination of investment banker, trader and alternative assets investor.

Furthermore, given his age there is no way he would be having that level of decision making power at such a major firm.

Even if you gave him two more years, in which case he could have been making that kind of money... no one kisses their boss on the head, no one that junior goes to hangout with the CEO of such a major company, and no one gets their bonus in the form of a check.


Thanks! I was thinking he had a LOT of influence for a young starter. Then again Zabel got or helped him get the scholarship...the reason why I missed or was not stated.

The interesting thing is that Zabel is supposed to be this financial giant and even he is lost about the "losses make us money" concept. You'd think he'd see thru it or be morally conflicted LONG before the showdown.


swampthang makes very salient points. i wrote several long posts about the implausibility of jacob's 'role' in the movie when it first hit theaters but i think imbd cleans out forums for movies that get a lot of activity...

his role was supposed to be 'trader' on the public side (sell-side) at keller zabel--but somehow on the side he was working on 'financing' this new fusion energy project out west? it made little sense as that would be the roll of an investment banker, not a trader; and crossing that chinese wall is in itself not allowed.

there are a spattering of young 'rock star' traders across the street at big banks that rake in several bucks per annum in their late 20s although this is few and far between. problem is that jacob/le bouf was just not believable and as mentioned it was just way over-the-top the 'power' he held at the firm and across the street. he just didn't fit the role well.

then yes, going to work for bretton james he stopped trading and become some sort of rainmaker pitching companies to invest--completely opposite of what a trader does. it just seemed a bit ridiculous...even the whole pitch they made how they were lacking guys that had renewable expertise...c'mon...

the bonus in the form of check--yes absurd, but i let that go for literary license (and dramatic effect perhaps stone was going for)...lou was jacob's mentor from fordham university days but yes even then it was just too much...


My impression was that he was a product of a form of nepotism.


He was, jews all the way!!! Nepotism baby.
