The green energy bit was bad

It makes Shia look like a bit of a crackpot in retrospect.


The Fusion part wasn't really the problem - that will eventually be the real solution to all our energy woes; the big problem I had was the useless addition of an OTEC (getting energy from ocean currents) generator to spark up the fusion reactor - WHY?!?!??!?!??
The startup energy for the fusion reaction could just as easily come from the grid - the only reason I can possibly see for Shia's character wanted to spend extra funds on the OTEC plant would be if he had some friends in the industry that would build it, who would be giving him some kick-backs.
Either that, or the writers are idiots who thought that adding it would make it look even more "green".


Apologies for going off-topic here but fusion is not going to save us. If it works, it will be the worst thing that ever happened to us because we'll use all that "free" energy like crazy and the waste heat will heat the biosphere until we stew in our own juices. The only scalable solutions are renewables that harness energy that was going to end up as waste heat anyway. That way the Earth's heat budget balances, no matter how much we use. It would have been better to use OTEC to turn the turbines directly.
