The tech is laughable
Just thought I'd point out, the "fusion tech" is hilariously contemptible.
Shia's "clean fusion" tech is a laughable mishmosh of existing half-working pie-in-the-sky techs.
OTC might be made to work on its own. Why attempt to use it to power a fusion engine seems doubtful. If you're getting enough out of it to power a fusion reaction, it doesn't need fusion to be profitable.
And laser fusion itself is hardly a new tech, it's a good 30+ years old already (see "inertial confinement"). As with the 40+ year old "magnetic confinement" concept, there are substantial engineering issues which have yet to be overcome to the point of breakeven -- that is more energy back than gets put into it to make the fusion happen. Which makes the pointlessness of attempting to power a fusion reaction with the OTC energy. You'd get back less than you were generating in the first place. Why would you not power things with it directly?
P.S., fusion is a nuclear reaction. "Combustion" is a chemical one. Anyone who knows wtf they are talking about, as Shia's character supposedly does -- would never confuse/conflate the two. Of course, the writers, and/or Shia, didn't bother to even ask a bright high school physics geek to read through the tech in question for a few ideas.