Worst sequel ever?

I watched this movie with a friend, and we were trying to think of a sequel that was worse than Wall Street 2. The only thing we could come up with was Caddyshack 2, and that was a maybe. Anybody have anything worse?


This is about the worst I can think of. The only thing that comes close is what Star Wars Episodes I-III are to the original trilogy.


Your comment about Star Wars is correct except in my opinion, Sith was good. Not as good as Empire of course, but at least as good as Jedi. This movie however...
I just don't know.



"WS2" was okay.

These weren't:

Caddyshack 2
Speed 2
Beverly Hills Cop 3
Lethal Weapon 2,3,4
Alien 3, Alien Ressurection
and so on...


The Lethal Weapon sequels were fantastic and don't belong with the rest of your list...

I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed...



about as bad as it can get...


The Two Jakes compared to Chinatown would be my example, but this movie was weak. The best part was Charlie Sheen's cameo. This flick should really have continued the Bud Fox/Gordon Gekko dynamic.

I did think Josh Brolin was good though.



The sequel was decent for me.


I think that Basic Instinct 2 is probably a worse sequel compared to this one.


Not as long as even one person recalls seeing EXORCIST II.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me




If no one elso mentioned it my choice is SPEED 2

To thine own self be true
Sir Jay Harris---Sirbossman


Pirannah 2 was pretty bad, but this was worse...


Mean Girls 2 is terrible.

Also Cruel Intentions 2 and American Psycho 2.


Gremlins 2
Speed 2
Crocodile Dundee 3

All very bad sequels



hmmm...In the realm of sequels, i didn't think this was that bad.
To say it is worse than Piranha 2 or Speed 2 is just plain stupidity. There just some sequels that other sequels could NEVER out-bad.
I didn't mind Wall Street 2


The ultimate worst sequel, Troll 2. So bad it actually is good.

http://tiny.cc/Proxies_of_Fate Our fate will be decided...


^^second troll 2.


A lot of the sequels cited here are terrible sequels to movies that were low quality to begin with. Money Never Sleeps marks a steep decline in quality that would be impossible for Trolls to match.


The Arrival 2

The first one with Charlie Sheen was actually a solid sci-fi/thriller, the second one was one of the worst films I've ever seen.

"That's it, I'm done." - Jim Young


The biggest disappointment for me was Ghostbusters II, but I guess that was because I came in with very high expectations.

Let your money work for you on the financial markets.


I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Godfather III. To go from the two Godfather movies which are usually listed in the top 10 of all time to that piece of dreck is a huge drop.

But WS:MNS is close. I was gigantically disappointed. I could have written a better script in a weekend. All Stone needed to do was to take a classic play about money like Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and adapt it to the 21st Century. After all, the first Wall Street was basically Goethe's "Dr. Faust" adapted to the '80's.



Weekend at Bernie's 2.


A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.


Mission Impossible 2 is terrible.


If this is the worst sequel you've ever seen, then you don't watch very much film. Off the top of my head, these were without question worse films than Wall Street 2:

Indiana Jones 4
Sex and the City 2
Transformers 2
Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer
Major League 2
Alien Vs. Predator: Requeim
Ghostbusters 2
Bad Boys 2
2 Fast 2 Furious
Nightmare on Elm Street 2
Big Momma's House 2
Nutty Professor 2
Batman & Robin
Superman 3
Speed 2
Porky's 2


I think people put too much affection into the original Wall Street movie when they grade the sequel.

Yes, it contains Shia LaBeouf and a short-haired Carey Mulligan, which a surprisingly large number of haters seem to have an issue getting over. However, it also contains some class A acting from actors like Langella and Douglas. Not to mention Brolin, whom I enjoyed as a villain. And Eli Wallach was funny with his bird references and whistling all the time.

Is this movie amazing? Certainly not. It doesn't even have the $300 million CGI to fall back on. Is this movie good? I definitely think so.

Maybe I'm just a sad excuse for a man, because I notice a lot of people nagging on Mulligan's scenes, but the bit in the end, where the song "Home" by Brian Eno and David Byrne comes on, had me choking up a bit. Emotional scene more or less regardless of the acting taking place. That's what music does to a movie.

And about the pace of the movie, I really didn't feel like it was boring. The old movie had boring moments, being almost 2½ hours long and all, but like the sequel, the plot interested me and I don't suffer from ADD, so I guess I've got an advantage.

This movie is not as bad as people say it is. When people claim it as the worst sequel ever, it speaks tons of their memory of the old Wall Street movie. I watched it last night before watching the sequel and, old movie making aside, it's not that amazing.

I get that old movies become cult, especially if they're bad, but come on, people. Have you actually seen Wall Street lately?

This movie deserved more than 6.4, that's all.


Nice list (esp nightmare 2. don't even get me started). I guess it comes down to your definition of a terrible sequel. If we are just talking about awful movies that happen to be sequels, I'm sticking with weekend at bernies 2. If we are talking about sequels that rip out your soul because you loved the preceding films so much, my off-the-top-of-my-head list is as follows:

Godfather 3

Terminator 3

Alien 3

The matrix 3

X-men 3

See the pattern? Hollywood: stop at 2!

A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.


You must all be guys. No one mentioned bridget jones.


It was watchable, the script could had been better and maybe the casting of a lead character. Shia is no Sheen!

Its that man again!!


When I heard Shia La Jew was in it it automatically meant I wasn't going to see it


"See the pattern? Hollywood: stop at 2!"

If that rule were followed, we would never have GOLDFINGER and that would be a shame.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


The bond series is sort of the exception to the "sequels suck" rule.

A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.
