MovieChat Forums > The Father (2021) Discussion > Too many dementia movies

Too many dementia movies

It seems like every elderly actor is doing his or her dementia movie. It has become almost as tiresome a genre as superhero movies.


Oh yeah, I forgot..


LMAO. Good one


Really? besides this and Relic wich other recent dementia movie are out there?


There's 'Falling', directed and starred by Viggo Mortensen, which came out in 2020, with Lance Henriksen as the old man suffering from dementia


So...thats 3...


I think 3 in a two-year span (for sure more but I don't feel like researching now) for such a niche topic/plot is quite a large number. It's not like we're taking 3 films in the romantic comedy or action genre. I agree with the OP that it's getting tiresome although it isn't necessarily anyone's fault.


Niche topic? Millions of people worldwide suffer from it. This thread sucks. You don't have to watch them if you don't want to.


Perhaps it's so niche anymore? In the UK it pops up often in discussion programs, usually in the context of how to provide care and pay for the cost in an aging society. I've also noticed how often an issue with dementia is mentioned when someone's death is announced.
It's an issue many of will have to confront one way or another and as a topic of interest it's not surprising there are films being made - though if I have to be honest I'm not sure how many I'd want to watch.


Still Alice, 2014...


about the same as when every actor went full retard in a movie, guess they dont do that anymore.


It was Oscar bait. Probably the same for old actors playing dementia victims now. Who knows what it will be next. Trans sexual characters?

Somebody commented "you don't have to watch them if you don't want to". Yup, that's true, and now that I've had my fill of them, I'll probably be passing on them from now on. As for millions worldwide suffering from it: that's certainly an important issue, but I don't watch movies to be taught lessons, especially not the same lesson over and over.
