Scene theft.

Was there a sequence this film didn't steal shot for shot from other 'superior' (with the exception of Rocky V, which was crap) films?

I mean, all movies are influenced by other great films, but seriously...

Rocky 3: The sprinting on the beach, when Stallone beats Weathers.
Rocky 5: The streetfight; shared many of the same shots.
Fight Club: All throughout the movie, but particularly apparent when the antagonist first rips his shirt off at the party - it was so blatantly Tyler Durden.
American Pie/every sonority, privileged, 'woe is me, I'm a middle-class privileged American an no-one knows upset like me' type film. It's pseudo-adversity. It has all been done thousands of times before.

There were many more examples.

American/Western adversity seems so feigned -- particularly among the middle/upper classes -- at the best of times, but no more so is it apparent just how self-righteous society has become than when watching films like this and reading the resulting comments.

Nevermind the underlying current of the film was a man's utility or purpose is measured by how much of a beating he can take.


Seemed more like a remake of 1984 KARATE KID.

NEVER BACK DOWN is a top 5 movie ever for me.


I'm all for remakes.. I'm gonna watch this movie tonite. Does this movie have a scene where there's a kickboxer doing all kinds of crazy moves, he does a handstand then gets up and does like a flip towards the marine looking guy who knocks him out with one punch?.

I found this movie because a clip of that has been making its way around facebook lately with the caption "this is why you dont mess with a marine" .. The thread title here was screen theft thats why I brought it up lol..

Gonna find this movie and watch it now.


Yeah, except the "marine" isn't a marine. He's supposed to be a high school student, who looks more marinish, rather than a typical high school student.🐭
