Ryan was pathetic

Haven't rewatched this movie since it came out in 2008

What annoyed me then still annoys me now, the first fight scene at the party.

Ryan pretty much forces the new guy to fight when he isn't prepared to fight and he is and under rules that he has never fought under before. It is the ultimate in cowardice to hijack someone like that.

While Ryan was mouthing off and showboating, Jake should have said "nah man i don't want to fight" , then struck Ryan in the throat, gouged his eyes out and stomped his groin

then say "you have your rules in a fight, i have mine"


I like your thinking, brother.


All that for a relative stranger. I hate to think of what you have in mind for those known to you.


... then struck Ryan in the throat, gouged his eyes out and stomped his groin
Yes, we see Jake has trouble controlling his temper early in the film, but your suggestions might be considered a mite extreme.🐭
