This show disgusts me

I cant believe how most American's eat..the fat, grease and processed ingredients...and most of the people he interviews eat at these places on a routine basis. its no wonder America leads the world in heart disease, diabetes and cancer.


So order a salad.


America leads most of the world in life expectancy as well.

The heyday of diner culture was the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. Many of the places guy visits have been in business for 50, 60, even 90 years, serving the same food. Most of the food has been standard American fare for decades or even centuries.

Look at any cookbook or restaurant menu from 50, 100 years ago or more and you'll see that what most people ate was a pile of meat with some sort of starch, usually covered with sauce (often cream based) or cheese. Usually, saturated in salt and deep fried in lard. Then for desert, it was a hunk of cake or pie made with roughly equal parts of sugar, flour, butter and lard.

If people were thinner back then than they are now, it's partially because they moved around a lot more. A professional athlete could polish off half a dozen of those DDD plates a day and maintain 3% body fat. A couch potato could drink an extra soy milk latte per day for 10 years and gain 50 pounds.


Processed ingredients..? Have you ever seen the show? Most, if not all the time, they use fresh natural ingredients, not EVERY episode deals with fat endosing burgers.


If you don't like it, don't watch. Change the channel. If the remote needs batteries, is broken or missing then get off your lazy ass and either manually change the channel or turn off the tv and do some push ups.

"I love being ugly"-you


All of these alleged future heart disease, diabetes, and cancer victims who eat in the restaurants are usually pretty skinny.



You watch too many ads from pharmacutical companies.

I eat hamburger all the time. Last time I had to change doctors and she took blood, she thought the lab had made a mistake my bad cholesterol number was unusually low. When she saw that the "good" cholesterol number was normal it was just my system.

If there's anything in the food that's killing people it's bovine growth hormone, factory farming methods and using high fructose corn syrup instead of real sugar because of stupid import restrictions we have in the putting it in stuff where it doesn't belong like ketchup and peanut butter.

And that's Corporate America doing that to you. Not little Mom and Pop restaurants.

Last night, I was lying back looking at the stars and I thought...where the *beep* is my ceiling???


Oh come on, get over yourself! Have you ever been to Mexico? My family is from there and what we eat here is nothing compared to all the lard and grease those Mexican grandmas use in their cooking. So unhealthy, and lots of fat people there too. And don't even get me started on the Italians and their cheeses...but I do love Mexican and Italian food, however, I'm skinny and perfectly healthy. It's all about indulgence and genetics and what you decide to put in your mouth. If you eat this stuff in moderation, then what's the harm?

All Americans deserve equal rights....appletini.


those italians & their cheeses. a mafia of tasty!

It's okay, honey. I...I was just talking to the cornfield.
