'Guy' should be wearing a dress!

I thought that the concept of this show was pretty cool. I love hole in the wall places with great food. I did my best to overlook the host for as long as I could. But on one episode he went to this Mexican restaurant and refused to eat the menudo because of what was in it. Ladies do that, not men. Andrew Zimmern might put a lot of animal testes in his mouth, but at least he has a pair of his own.


I find Guy to be as fun and exciting as all the restaurants he visits. The people he meets seem to genuinely like him, and you can really tell he has a superior knowledge of food (he tastes a sauce or dry-rub and can immediately tell what's in it, etc.). I like him, he's a friendly and fun guy! And above all, you can tell he genuinely likes the food he's eating. I don't remember the part where he wouldn't eat the menudo? What was that all about? That certainly doesn't sound like Guy. I saw him once talk about how he doesn't particularly like eggs, but he still eats them every once in a while on the show.


I just saw the episode with the menudo. Guy was getting all scared of the stipe (cow stomach). He did take one bite, but he had a tortilla and the second he put the spoon in his mouth he took a bite of the tortilla big enough to try and choke down the menudo, then immediatly started chugging water to wash it down. I thought it was kind of rude as he was standing next to the lady who made it while he did that, then he said he just wasn't a menudo guy. I think it's hard to tell if you are when you made practically no effort to taste it. During the end credits they showed another clip of that telling the lady that he just doesn't think he's going to be able to choke that down or something.

I think he tried to save a little manliness by saying the stipe was the only thing he had a problem with, and not the hooves. I too was surprised with him getting squeemish about that, most chefs eat some stuff that would make some of our stomachs turn. I'm sure Guy has eaten plenty of bratwurst and sausages knowing that the casing is the lining of a pig intestine, that's as nasty or nastier than a cow stomach.

I was surprised though, I've never seen this guy turn any food down.


That's "tripe."


Actually it's tripe.


Not to nitpick or anything but it's 'tripe'.


I'm not eating that nasty crap either. I am not from some poor third-world country that has to eat the entrails because I can't afford real meat. It has nothing to do with being manly. As Sam Jackson says "Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'll never know, cuz I'm not eating nasty mother f'er"

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Philip J. Fry


I am not from a third-world country either. Now we have established common ground and communication can begin. I have balls, you do not. Nevermind, we're too different and will never understand each other.


Yeah, but your balls are on a plate wrapped in a tortilla...but hey, whatever floats your boat. Me on the other hand, I will keep my balls in my pants and have a nice New York Strip.

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Philip J. Fry


Right. That made sense. No balls. Remember? Also, A hint of racism?


Nope, just checked, they are still there. And I enjoyed some nice prime rib tonight. How was your gut and poop soup?

Nope, no racism. Did you not talk about the menudo at the Mexican Restaurant? Just following the them of your post, genius.

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Philip J. Fry


If you haven't tried Menudo, then you're missing out. It's one of my favorite breakfasts and a great cure for any hangover! Oh, and just to avoid any namecalling, I live in a "modern" country and have the ability to eat any food I choose. I eat Menudo because it's delicious!


Hey, that's great, glad you like it. I had a bowl in front of me once (I live in Arizona, its kind of everywhere) and I just couldn't do it! But to each their own. It doesn't make either of us less or more of a man like the OP said.

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Philip J. Fry


just make sure its got some spicy!

"Rue the day?" Who talks like that?


How could it be racist if you're NOT from a third-world country?


My brother loves meneudo. He can drink it by the gallon. I could take it or leave it.

Andrew Zimmern made a big deal out of eating menudo when he visited Los Angeles. Like he was conquering Mount Everest or something. Yet, in that exact same episode, he could barely eat half a bite of a hot-dog-and-chili burrito from some local fast food restaurant. Guy would have downed that thing in half a minute, and begged for seconds.

Zimmern and Bourdain both have the same shtick- they can eat pig's testicles off a filthy cart in a developing nation, and laugh at Americans for being unsophisticated. Yet, give them normal American street food (a corn dog, a bowl of chili, a pretzel with yellow mustard) and they'll practically throw up. So it's not the food they crave, so much as the ability to mock Americans for being so unsophisticated that they don't eat yak rectums.
