we dont need to see triple d marathons every friggin day...bring back jamie oliver and some of the cool shows that used to be reruns
sharewe dont need to see triple d marathons every friggin day...bring back jamie oliver and some of the cool shows that used to be reruns
shareMoron, its not like Guy controls the scheduling. DD&D does noticeably higher ratings consistently than most of their programming. So they can charge higher ad rates. That is why you see "blocks" of this show compared to Down Home With The Nealys or Best Thing I Ever Ate.
Use common sense, unless thats asking too much.
I agree. The man is extremely annoying....I just can't get past how tacky he is!
shareI enjoy the show. Guy has charisma. Quite a few of the recipes are worth copying for home/own use. The different locations display the creativity of the people of this country in their small businesses. You see the honest pride in the cooks when Guy compliments them on national television.
shareI think a lot of times he has a tendency to give under handed compliments or criticizes a lot of the places he goes to. He also dips his fingers into the food with rings on which is extremely unsanitary! He seems full of himself, and from what I've heard on news sites, he's quite stuck up. I could handle the tackiness if he wasn't such a dick.
shareHave noticed very few occasions with underhanded compliments but not many. He balks at certain animal parts many Americans would not eat-the Zimmer episode comes to mind. GF states he does not like eggs and will indicate when a meal has an egg as side or topping.
Going by own experiences with small restaurants-staff eat in the kitchen because there is little free time for anything else.
I can't even watch him. He put his fat meaty hands in the food, then samples everything with his fingers, the people cooking are using gloves, and he just digs in wearing no gloves..does he even wash his hands??? I swear I want to puke every time I see him.
shareHe put his fat meaty hands in the food, then samples everything with his fingers, the people cooking are using gloves, and he just digs in wearing no gloves..does he even wash his hands???
That's the same thing I'm wondering too. He probably put his hands where the sun don't shine.
Ugh, he makes me want to puke every time I see him put his ungloved fat fingers in some food eat it, then put his nasty fingers back into what ever the chef is preparing. EVEN THE CHEF IS WEARING GLOVES MOST OF THE TIME!! It's so gross. I swear, if someone did that to the food I was preparing, they'd get a quick smack with a wooden spoon right on their nasty hands!!
shareThe Food Network seems to be going the way of MTV. Remember back in the olden days when MTV videos?? Food Network is doing the same damn thing. Every time I turn it on it's some reality show...Chopped, cupcake Wars, diners, drive-ins and Dives, worst cook in America, restaurant impossible, and the freakin list goes on. Some of these shows are ok, but I looooved it when I got to watch and learn new recipies, I loved trying them out, learning new cooking techniques, Food Network is just becoming as pathetic as all the other channels, with nothing but reality shows.