Who Likes Guy Fieri?

Me and my husband were having a discussion about him and he said everyone he knows (including himself) hates the guy and he only watches the show because he loves the food and the places he visits. While I don't necessarily hate him, I don't like him too much and wouldn't miss him if they replaced him with someone else. I told him alot of people must like him because if they didn't he would have already BEEN replaced. But he says he has yet to find someone that says they like him. How about you guys? Hate or love him?

They say hunger is the best spice - Spike


I wouldn't say I hate him, I just think he fits this show rather well.


I like this show and watch in spite of him. He is obnoxious.


agree, but what a gig he has though the kind of "job" 99% of us could only dream of having. sure beats being a janitor or working at walmart.
I need to try out one of his Johnny Garlics restaurants, more out of curiosity than anything else.


I like this show and watch in spite of him. He is obnoxious.

Same here. He's pretty annoying. I like seeing the unique restaurants.



My husband & I both like this show.
It's fun to see where Guy will take us (the viewers) next.


When he first debuted, he was a bit too over the top. But he mellowed out, and seemed to have a fun persona.

But lately, like most of the FN's chefs, he seems exhausted & mostly going through the motions.
I still like watching him when he really enjoys something, his laughter is quite contagious.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I didn't want to like him when I first saw him just because of his personal style. But the more I've watched him over the years, the more I like him- I can't help it! He just seems like a really nice, fun guy with terrible taste in clothing.

