why do americans eat so much?

Portion sizes are for about 2-3 people.



Because in America no one cares about quality, it's why we eat more fast food and processed garbage than any country.


Lmao that's not true at all.


It's true in *his* case.


Why do foreigners stereotype Americans or care how much we eat?


In America we have money so we get what we want. We like to eat half or less of what is on our plate and throw the rest away without a 2nd thought about hungry people like OP. We daily thank God that we don't live in some other country. We can get whatever we want. We can even be fat if we want although we are mostly fit and don't have more fat people than any other country (that isn't poor or isn't free). We also bathe every day and wear different clothes every day.

Your post reminded me of how awesome and free it is here. So I had two burgers for lunch. It was great. Especially great since I exercise and am fit. Eat extra portions on occasion and living fit.

tl;dr We have to eat more than you since we do so much more than you.


LOL. If it isn't "why do Americans eat so much", it's asking why our cars are so large, or our houses so big, or why we have enormous motor homes, speed boats, and vacation homes..

Jealousy is a hideous mistress.


I always eat extra helpings of meat whether I am hungry or not just to try to thwart PETA's efforts.
