Terrible, empty movie (Spoiler)
The plot is merely a vehicle for conveying a series of gruesome events that otherwise have no cohesion one with the other. It could've been anything but it's the 2000s - Name the one thing that will twist most the nerves and play against the good sense and morals of people of our present society: child rape. Everything about child related crimes is offensive to the taste. When children are getting killed in fictional settings such as in AVP Requiem, people are crying out that this was done in bad taste. There's a post out there in Hostel that does the same when it is heard that children might be tortured in the next movie. In the Tucson shooting report the sentence "Six other people died in the attack, including a 9-year-old girl" (http://digitaljournal.com/article/302352#ixzz1eJhbCMQT) of course is not given scrutiny for its impertinent information. It's like in The Tannenbaums when the father would always introduce Gweneth Paltrow as "this is my step-daughter" or something like that. To see this in context, imagine not too long ago when it would've passed for good to say something like "six people died, including a white man." Child porn I need not mention gets everybody's fired up. Pedophilia, whether or not it is spoken of in relation to actual child-molesting (yes, there is a difference, compare heterosexuality with sexual intercourse), is become a target of intolerance (the practice of pedophilia I can understand better but being a pedophile merely in identification?). Why is it that statutory rape is listed in California as crimes against good decency and morals under the state penal code?
Yea children are the best way to detract sympathy with one who is enduring such atrocities as shown in this movie. Of course he's a child rapist so he deserves the worst punishment you can imagine. I'm not here to argue exactly what punishment child rapists deserve but it seems just so smarmy to play with our emotions like that. And being Lionsgate they have to add the plot twist in the end involving a tax evasion or embezzlement or something like that to downplay the atrocity of the victim's character or else we'd feel as if we completely wasted an hour of our lives watching what is truly a torture porn. Especially considering that the introduction, the scenes leading up to the crime and the prosecution, was done so sloppily and rushed that it really seemed inconsequential whether or not they actually had to include that action or just start in medias res with the torture, which it is apparent that it is the only reason this movie was made - so people can splurge the animal inside themselves and watch non-stop gruesomeness without even the scruple of sympathy. I mentioned already how the bad guy being a child rapist helps with ignoring those scruples. O but he's a murderer too so that makes it even better. Overall just an empty, terrible movie. It has the same merit as any porno. Pornos have one motive, to arouse people (and don't get me started on how porn directors can't even get that part right) and pay no attention to artistic quality, which is why pornos are terrible movies.