What many viewers are missing here is the mental and psychological state of the parents once they've decided to set their plan in motion. It is absolutely normal and should go without saying that when tragedy occurs, such as the death of their son, regardless of how long they spent in the courtroom or viewing the man's face is that THEY ARE SO BESIEGED by pain and trauma that, in their minds, the guy MUST PAY. You have to be open to their psychological trauma and the necessity at all cost to make the guy pay. Viewers who say "why can't they see it's not the same guy???" are completely over-looking this. In their mind, THEY HAVE HIM. And HE WILL PAY. Do not let reason fool you here because our mental make up and fragility in the face of something so horrendous will lead us to psychological/emotional/physical breakdown. What occurred, imo, is exactly that. It was him, and he had to pay. The mind, our psyches, can play tricks on us and since no one here has (hopefully) ever dealt with a situation so extreme, it is ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE, if not EXACTLY what happened. They had the guy, whether consciously or subconsciously, and any "what...doesn't he look a bit different?" argument or stance is thrown out the window. I feel that's where the writers were going and it is the answer that makes the most sense, especially for those who have studied psychology, psychiatry, mental health, duress under trauma and so forth. It isn't black and white...their views were grey whether they knew it or not.
I grieve for the strength to wake up each day with a blank canvas
and paint it to my liking.