Disappointing Ending - SPOILERS


Maybe it's me being amoral but did anyone else find the ending a bit disappointing? I found the three younger characters incredibly annoying and unsympathetic, especially the obnoxious Pascal, and was really hoping that Hilibert would succeed in his plan to get rid of them and achieve his deserved success.


I wasn't particularly disappointed, though the ending was fairly predictable. It was still enjoyable enough.

Pascal was the most thoroughly and inherently contemptible one both in values and personality.

Hilbert was the most admirable, but evil enough that he'd be the only one I'd feel justified in killing.

Oliva was easily the most sympathetic, despite being highly unethical.

Galois just doesn't seem to fall into any extreme for the group.


i was hoping Fermat didn't die in the car crash. then it would have been ironic that Hilbert planned 4 deaths, but only Hilbert is the one that died.


i think that this kind of movie is almost always bound for a somewhat disappointing ending. anything in an enclosed space, limited cast and mystery allows the imagination of the audience to run wild. And the final conclusion rarely matches the audiences imagination. The best example of this kind of film i think is still Rope.

That said i very much enjoyed Fermat's Room and was not disappointed.


I agree, however there are ohter good ones. Palabras Encadenadas, Tapem, the 24th Hour are all superb.


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


Ive seen palabras encadenadas, great film! But i cant find the other two films you mention, could you please post their imdb pages...pretty please...

I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger...I am the Teeth in the Darkness


Hey Sinner,

no surprise, my writing was all over the place. heres 24th Day (not hour)


The other one is Tape with Ethan hawke. Hope you enjoy, let me know!!



Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


agreed. the other characters were personality voids.
