The death of... ? (spoilers!)

After seeing this movie, I somehow felt bad about the "Fermat". He was a good guy after all, but he still died. I mean, was his death all that necessary? Was it there just to prove that the poisoned capsules or whatever worked? Couldn't they just make him bump into tree, so that the following police could save them or something. Or was it just to prove the "So the 72% die with seat belts fastened" comment?
I wonder if anyone else left feeling that the Fermat's death was unnecessary...


I did.


I'm assuming this is in the context of the production with characters surviving and not the motive within the plot. In which case, it is all arbitrary... I mean, who "needs" to die? Though if you want meaning for it, think of like this... It was simply the only part of the plan that actually worked. If a killer fails every step of the way they just come across as a bumbling idiot who would be more suited to an episode of Scooby Doo, and not really an antagonist to be taken seriously in a movie intended to be an adult targeted thriller. It legitimized him at least somewhat as a viable threat, and furthers the importance of his defeat in the end.


I also wondered why both he and the cop just ignored the sound of breaking glass. If I fastened my seat belt and heard some kind of sound that doesn't normally accompany the procedure, I would have been puzzled enough to stop and look.


Well, I didn't enjoy that part.

The sole purpose for his death was to make us think the other people had lost any chance to survive. And somehow it didn't work. His accident didn't sum up any tension to the movie.

But. He was driving slowly, was accompanied by a policeman and another policeman in the car behind. He just went out of the road and probably hit a tree. I think we are left to think he could have survived.


Yep, he has survived. I've seen him in "Sin retorno ", which is 2010 production.
"Fermat's room" was shot in 2007, so he definitely survived.


Fair enough if this is sarcasm; but if you genuinely think they're talking about the actor and not his character, please never ever breed.


Here, let me beat all the condescending Euroweenies to it: You bloody Americans only care about happy endings, CGI and The Transformers. You're too stupid for real cinema!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
