My two biggest problems with this film
1. The feeling of claustrophobia and the room getting smaller was not conveyed well enough. I never really felt that the shrinking was a problem. There were a couple of scenes with overhead shots that slightly emphasised the size of the room, but for the most part, there were close-ups of the characters and the corners of the room sliding into each other.
I think a good director would have been able to do plenty of things to get the feeling across with smart camera angles and a well designed set, and that would have helped raise the tension and make the viewers connect more with the characters.
As it was now, the only clues I got that the room was getting smaller were the characters saying so and the close-ups of two walls shuffling against each other. Except for maybe the last scene, I never really got any feeling of danger.
2. This has been mentioned before and it sounds like a small thing, but it really bugged me enough to not let me concentrate on the film: the way they entered the answers to some of the questions into the PDA was just impossible.
The directors made a big thing about showing how they enter the answers that were just one number or one word into the PDA and then when the answers got longer and way too complicated for even a supercomputer to assess—let alone a PDA—they simply didn't show the characters entering the answers.
At first I thought this was a clue; I thought they were trying to convey that someone was receiving the answers and correcting them manually. I remember Fermat going into the gas station right after one of these complicated answers was entered, and he didn't have any device on him, so I thought this meant the killer was someone else.
But no, the directors were just really lazy and decided that the best way to solve this problem was to just ignore it and not show the viewer what answers they entered because it would be too obvious that they were impossible to correct by a program.