MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) Discussion > Is it a virus? Do they actually use the ...

Is it a virus? Do they actually use the word "virus?"

During the initial run of The Walking Dead, Kirkman was adamant that they didn't explain anything about the origins. The closest we got was during the CDC episodes when Dr Jenner revealed that "we're all infected." But the specific pathogen, if any, was never identified. I say "if any" because without a specific pathogen or category, it could be supernatural for all we know. There's just not enough information in the original show to know.

However, I now see that the wiki lists the origin as a virus from a biolab in France and cites this show's post credit scene as the source.

So has anyone seen this? Did they specifically say "virus" or is this another case of fans and viewers assuming they meant virus specifically, when really it could have been left open?


Here's the scene:


Thanks. As I suspected, there's nothing in there that indicates it's a virus. It's left open as to what the actual cause is.


No, it's a virus. I read the original graphics novel that it was based on. It's better to watch the entire episode of Walking Dead in which CDC researcher Jenner explains what he knows about it. The show follows the graphics novel very closely for that episode.

They don't know how it started, a lab or naturally. Dixon show implies in a lab, then spread airborne to everyone.

Another good show to watch was the first episodes of Fear the Walking Dead in which Tobias heard about a mysterious virus spreading and is stockpiling for his survival.


I watched the entire CDC episode in The Walking Dead, multiple times. Dr Jenner never says that it's a virus. He's very clear that they don't know what it is.

The show follows the graphics novel very closely for that episode.

The graphics novel does not contain the CDC content, so it can't follow it very closely. I'm not sure where you're getting this.

I also watched Fear the Walking Dead. There is no virus mentioned there either. There's nothing anywhere in the show, the novel, nor any spinoff that identifies the pathogen as a virus.


What else are people infected with besides a virus or something bacterial? Kirkman mentioned it was a virus, but not how it originated for many years until...

"Walking Dead: World Beyond season 2 finale post-credits sequence gave the TWD zombies an origin story.

The Walking Dead zombie virus started in Europe. The scene which confirms the origins in World Beyond takes place at a biomedical facility in France. Though long since abandoned, one of the lab's former researchers returns in hopes of continuing her work to discover a cure, but she's accosted by an unidentified survivor. When the scientist declares her optimistic intention to end TWD's zombie apocalypse, her attacker replies, "End this? You started this." On the wall, there's also the rather ominous message, "Les Morts Sont Nés Ici." For non-French speakers, this broadly translates to "The Dead Are Born Here."

Two more scenes:


Those two scenes don't provide any insight at all. There's nothing in the show that indicates it's a virus.

"We're all infected" does not indicate a virus specifically. Infected with what? No explanation is given. Rick even says in the first clip you posted referencing Dr Jenner "whatever it is, we all carry it" whatever it is indicates that no one knows.

I'm not sure what the intent is for the second clip you posted.

Dr Jenner never identified a pathogen. No virus, no bacteria, no fungus. It could be any of those or none of those. It could be supernatural. Nothing in the show explains anything conclusively.

No where is it conclusively a virus.

Kirkman mentioned it was a virus

No he didn't. He never mentioned any such thing. In fact, he has been adamant that it not be explained.

The post credit scene at subject in this thread reveals that the origins are from a biolab in France, but nothing about the pathogen itself. Again, nothing indicating it is a virus.


You have way too much time on your hands. : )

The only question is the origin of the virus which has been answered. Blame the French!

Anyway, a part of zombie lore is that the apocalypse starts with a virus. Kirkland didn't change that. The 2nd video is Rick trying to see if Sean was infected since Jenner told him everyone was. People will become walkers whether or not they're bitten.

It appears we may be the only ones on MC still watching The Walking Dead. The Daryl/Carol Chronicles are pretty good, but nothing beats the first few seasons of Walking Dead.
