MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) Discussion > "Empties" has to be the dumbest name yet...

"Empties" has to be the dumbest name yet for the dead

Lol we've had Walkers, munchers, growlers, Biters etc, i mean those names at least describe what they do lol, fucking empties though? I don't get the reasoning for calling them that at all, sounds dumb as fuck.


I guess cos they're empty of emotion, reasoning, soul, etc. But yeah, those kids really could have been more creative. If I were them, reckon I'd call 'em Stinkies!


Who cares what kinds of emotions they experience when they are trying to kill you and turn you into another murdering zombie to kill more live people?

Stinkies is good. In fact I think most of the deaths on these shows would never have happened because the stinkies are oblivious to their smell, and the sounds they make too, and people would hear them and smell them so all the cases where the camera pans a bit and a zombie lurches into view would never have happened.


I guess it's referring to the contents of their skulls. Not a whole lot of brain power ticking over in there.


Because they're empty shells. Seems as good a description as any.

The dumbest name we've heard so far has to be "lamebrains". Remember TWD season 2, those guys they ran into in the bar who Rick ended up shooting? That's what they called the dead.


"Seems as good a description as any."
I can agree with this. "Empties" is not that bad. "Lamebrains" is terrible.

One thing TWD universe got right is that without the pre-conceived notion of zombies, everyone would be calling them something different.

Can you imagine if different groups from different places all called them the same thing? That would be even more preposterous.


I think it just means communications went down in most places and broadcasts stopped before a common nationwide terminology came into use, so whatever the zombies were being called locally ended up being what survivors from that area called them. And of course a few people who isolated themselves early on would've invented their own names. Gotta call them something, right?

I remember 9/11 wasn't actually called 9/11 for almost a month afterward. Different news outlets were calling it the Attack on America, the New York/DC Terrorist Attacks, the September 11th Attacks, etc. Took them a while to settle on one label.


But lamebrains is a more fun word to say.


Also applies to users of this site.


softies...their skulls are like wet cardboard


Their skulls do seem to be like wet cardboard, except for the part that holds their teeth, which are strong enough to rip apart human flesh.


Have to agree with you there. This show was pretty pointless and seemed to collect all the bad memes from WD and FTWD.


That’s a great screen name!


