This is fictional?
shareYou do know that a lot of TV shows and movies are fictional?
shareyea but it makes it seem like it's based on a real woman that was great at chess with a chess opening.
This is a huge disappointment and should be boycotted.
I felt the same way after finding out Iron Man wasn't a documentary. Boycott!
shareI came close to boycotting Arnold Schwarzenegger when I realized he wasnt actually totally recalling anything... : (
shareOr wasn't he?
shareI was having some fun above, but I think it was real.
According to Cohaagen, whoops I meant Verhoeven, in the special features on the DVD they only added the final line of "what if this is all a dream"? for just a bit of fun, they always meant it as real.
Also I read a comment on old imdb that was compelling. The user wrote "if it really was a dream why would they send the Dr./Actor from the Recal Commercial as a dream implant to talk to Quaid? Why not have the Dr./Actor show in Douglas' "dream" as a talking pink unicorn? This way Quaid would know for sure hold on a minute dis cannot be reaal dey are telling me da truffth"!
1 I also think it was all real, and I prefer it that way. But the movie is 100% ambiguous, on purpose. It can be real or a dream, there are indications both ways and some ar contradicting each other.
2 Never heard this pink unicorn theory, so let's have it and eat it too:
in this world it could realistically be a robot, a mutant horse, or just an fx illusion by Cohagen.
Quaid shoots it and reveals it was just that.
I like to consider both viewpoints and I see many points in the movie that support either theory, but real is better and a happier ending. Also the movie is called "Total Recall" Whereas if it was Titled "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale" then it would feel much more ambiguous to me.
Thats a good point you made, Quaid could still justify seeing something bizarre and continue to believe his ego trip is real. I guess he really is screwed if its an ego trip he cannot awaken from. Is there any way they could convince him it was a dream to help him wake up?
yea but it makes it seem like it's based on a real woman
you're annoyed they tricked you?
Annoyed fiction seemed realistic?
Annoyed woman has lead role when it wasnt an actual event neccesitating the character be female?
..and how exactly did they "make it seem" ?
They didn’t trick me but am disappointed I see this classic and prestigious game being casted in a bad light.
shareIt's sort of based on Bobby Fischer's story.
sharemost recently Judit Polgár was crushing the male GMs
but yah fiction.
based on Bobby Fischer VS the russian school of chess.
Everything male must now be remade female.
shareBecause females need the illusion of being as capable as males. They are at least 50% of all consumers...
Of course, on the male side, there really was a Bobby Fischer. On the female side there never has been.
"She also competed in chess tournaments with some of the world's leading male chess masters, with occasional successes including two wins over future world champion Max Euwe."
Occasional successes against men does not a Bobby Fischer make.
Oh I didn't realise that only Bobby Fischer in drag would satisfy you.
Bobby Fischer shook the very foundations of the game of chess. Don't pretend like this girl equaled his accomplishments in the game.
Like I said, there is no female Bobby Fischer. Probably the closest we've seen is his own protege, Judit Polgar, who once cracked the overall Top 10.
yah there's a reason why the Woman Grandmaster title is much lower than the men's (2300 i think)
it's not that women don't play chess or are shunned... they're just not in the top 10.
a woman can enter any tournament- but also have ones specifically for women-only.
Yeah, they're certainly welcome to compete in any tournament. Men are blocked from entering women's tournaments, but there are no exclusively male tournaments.
However, history has shown that women just can't compete at the very highest levels. Maybe one day that will change and we'll see the female Fischer who comes out of nowhere, crushing all contenders. But we haven't seen it yet.
one thing that really annoyed me (in the book) was Beth's actual winning percentage..
it's like win, after win, after win..
not realistic at all. most players lose and draw. idk the story is just way too sweet for my taste.
I didn't even realize there was a book.
shareit has a very cheesy 80s training montage.
Beth Harmon does a Rocky thing to get sober.
Dude, you want to hear something that's fucking hilarious. . .
I told you that I didn't even know there was a book. Not more than 10 minutes ago I was looking at my book shelf and it turns out I own the fucking thing. Sure enough, I'm just looking at my books and there it is: The Queen's Gambit. I have no idea when I bought it. I must have just picked it up at some point because it had to do with chess. I still haven't read it.
share"it's like win, after win, after win.."
It's usually like this when you start for under the sea. you tend to win everything until you reach your level and hit the bar.
Like what happened to her with the "kid".
Oh I didn't realise that only Bobby Fischer in drag would satisfy you.
What we have here is a bunch of morons getting their knickers in a twist because a fictional character in a television show isn't Bobby Fischer in drag. And you accuse me of being childish !
Well, to be fair statistically women are on average as "smart" as the men but for men the curve is more wide, which means that the extremes (hyper intelligent or super dumb) tend to be men.
Of course there are, as well, the biological, social, evolutionist, patriarchy, bla bla bla that can sway an incredible smart woman toward more mundane tasks or evolution.
Yea why not make it about her?
shareI agree.
I'd rate it a 7 though.
shareI liked it. Not everything has to be historical.