MovieChat Forums > The Queen's Gambit (2020) Discussion > What was the deal with Cleo?

What was the deal with Cleo?

Why did she sabotage Beth’s big match in Paris? At first I thought maybe she was sent in by the Russians as a saboteur to get Beth drunk and unfocused for the match, but that was never even hinted at in the plot. So why did she lead Beth astray the night before the match? Jealousy? Did she seduce Beth or just pass out in her room?

She was an annoying character. Her make up and hair were ugly, even for those times.



I thought it was probably that Cleo was paid by the Russians to " honey trap " Beth the night before her second match with Borgov. Cleo phoned Beth in the hotel and announced she was downstairs and asked her to come down to the bar for a drink.

We know from the conversation that Beth overheard in the elevator that the Russians had heard that she was a drunk and that they talked about "destroying" her in Paris before her chess game became too strong.

When Beth stupidly went down to the bar to see her Cleo waited until Beth had drunk enough alcohol to dull her mind and then she took her over to the two young men who just happened to be waiting there. Cleo even straight out asked Beth if she liked to fuck before they went over. I think it was part of the plan to either fix Beth up with one or both of the guys or if Beth preferred girls Cleo would do the job herself.

Then again it might have been that Cleo was jealous of Beth's success. Still it's a lot of trouble to go to just to do someone down. However Cleo did turn up at the match the next day to gloat over Beth's humiliation it would seem. So maybe it was personal and/or maybe Cleo was just another crazy, twisted bitch.


"Why did she sabotage Beth’s big match in Paris? At first I thought maybe she was sent in by the Russians as a saboteur to get Beth drunk and unfocused for the match, but that was never even hinted at in the plot."

I don't think was intentionally sabotaging Beth's match. Cleo was just an irresponsible party chick. She lived moment to moment.

"Did she seduce Beth or just pass out in her room?"

I had the impression that they had sex. Given how Beth approached sex I doubt Beth was much of an active participant.


I agree.

BTW, I saw that coming from a long way off, but it's still a brilliant series!



I think it's hinted at - Beth names Townes as her unrequited love to Cleo, and only Cleo

The Russian embassy helps Townes show up in Moscow as a distraction

How else would Townes be on their radar as a distraction for Beth? (true - she could've told others, but we're only shown her admitting it to Cleo)


This is an amazing point, and one that I didn't think about. You opened my eyes big time!


"Models are insipid creatures" (or something like that) said Cleo to Beth. And Cleo was a model. I think she was just being brainless and selfish. She also wanted a piece of the phenomenal Beth Harmon.

The possibilities that Quasimodo is pointing out are interesting though.

This series has a great scenario + rich characters . A lot did and maybe happened. I do like the depth of it and the fact that not everything is super crystal clear.


Perhaps Cleo represents the kind of people who glom onto successful/famous/exceptional people in order to elevate their own limited existance. Adrenaline junkies who like to hitch a ride to the inner circle of glory and fame. Cleo looked jaded, as if her best days in modelling were in the rear view mirror. She was suicidal when the two chess champs found her on the brink, then she had a fling with Benny when he was at his peak. She watched Beth wipe the floor of those guys during their speed chess party and saw her next target for adventure.


I forgot that she attempted suicide! Yes you're right. I think you just did a pretty accurate depiction of that character. I don't think she was mean. She obviously needed love and attention. She was leeching on people, whenever she could, to get it. That's pretty sad.


I think it's supposed to show a contrast. Beth had cleaned up because she knows it affects her game when she goes against the best. But then that night, she slipped back into the old lifestyle. She didn't really need a lot of help to get her there once she started. I don't think Cleo had any ulterior motives, she just never changed her lifestyle while Beth changed hers dramatically.
