MovieChat Forums > The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Discussion > do you guys think that many high end fin...

do you guys think that many high end financiers use cocaine?

i think movies overrate it. you get sloppy after a day on yay. i appreciate lots of young wealthy nerdish guys who werent exposed to it much might go overboard, but i dont think its as prevalent as they show. if mathew has done 5-6 lines that morning, he'd be showing it more. cokke *beep* you up more than that. especially with the quality he probly getting


i use it a couple times a week, only if i have opiates to slow it down and for the comedown. ive done a 60 bag in about 2.5 hours, im breathing hard, im a bit shaky, i'm not sharp, even though i feel like i am. movie coke people just get a bit energetic, dont have sniffles, just shut it down with plenty left around despite their obvious drug immaturity, *beep* hookers despite what it does to the erection ability of so many, myself too. especially if i was *beep* a paid hooker


You ok now?


No, only bad people use it, not the good people with real jobs


Bad people don't have real jobs?




I once lived in Colombia for a whole month, everyday other tourists (mainly Australians used to paying 300$ a gram for that shit) who now were getting pure yayo for 3$ a gram where giving that shit out like candy. Everyday I would promise myself not to do any more coke, then after hanging out for only a couple minutes in the smoking area, smerking weed, someone would drop a full gram onto a phone and cut it into a bunch of fat gorilla finger lines and offer it for free to us fellow tourists. When a phone comes to u with a fat line of free coke on it right to ur face it is hard to say no as a drug addict. Long story short I did that shit probably 28 out of the 30 or so days I was in town. Once ur tolerance gets big u can do an 8 ball a day no problem. It destroys ur physical, mental, and spiritual health tho once u let the addiction get to that point. Luckily, I am a capitalist and would rather smerk weed than waste all my profit on an evil drug like cocaine when I got back home. I got it out of my system and barely touch the stuff now unless it is offered for free by old friends maybe once a year. Coke once in a blue moon is an amazing drug, one of the best drugs ever, but once it becomes a habit it is one of the worst most fucked up drugs one can do. I lost all my muscles in that one month and returned back home looking like skeletor. First thing my dad said when picking me up from airport after shaking his head was "how much drugs did you do u fucking junkie!?!?" My nose felt like it was gonna fall off and I was pulling out nasty bloody boogers from it for over a week. Cocaine isn't a drug to be trifled with. I am glad I went hardcore into it only for one month and it lost its luster. Feel bad for my McMurican peers who do that shit every weekend for years straight. Better to do a whole mess of it during one short period of ur life than do a reasonable amount of it for long periods. Rockstar lifestyle is not all it is cracked up to be...


Better to do a whole mess of it during one short period of ur life than do a reasonable amount of it for long periods.



naw doing a whole mess of it fixed me up. I was depressed and used cocaine to deal with it like a rockstar 🎸 instead of taking big pharma anti-depressants like some bitch ass libturd




I’m sorry. Did you say $3 a gram???


Yep, that is what u should be paying. sometimes u have to pay the tourist price of 10$ a gram but it is some of the best quality in the world so u just give em the money happy to overpay for the product. It was a while ago since my last cocaination so I am sure inflation changed things a bit but I doubt much. Cocaine is like sugar in that country. The value of the drug comes from the risk of imprisonment from smuggling it up north, once u go to a source country a g of pure becomes cheaper than a Starbucks coffee


Thats wild. $3 I would die haha


yeah and it is stronger than any of that garbage u pay a fortune for in the states


No doubt. Definitely not stomped on or cut with fentanyl I wouldnt think


yeah fuck the USA coke, u can fly to Colombia for cheaper than the price of a gram or two of garbage up north


Haha for sure


They do, at least according to my readings, but it is not like entertainment industry, financial firms don't encourage it, but they don't mind it either. Traders work very long hours, so it could help them perform.

Financial firms are also more than happy for their traders to become extravagant or have expensive hobbies, and spend the money they make as quickly as possible, otherwise a lot of good traders could retire in just few years.


I doubt it. I got to see coke users while at an exclusive college a few decades ago. Most of them dropped out or failed out. The self control just was not there. Starting to hear the same thing about pot now that it is legal here in NY. More people controlled by their habit and the stuff on average is far more potent than the stuff grandpa was smoking 40-50 years ago. Legal pot for some might be the wish that you should never wish to come true. The crap will start hitting the fan when employers jettison users who simply are not productive.
