Army Of The Dead Pitch Meeting
pretty funny
Some dumb things he didn't cover:
- Pregnant Zombie Queen is very easy to kill and approaches the humans with only one other zombie and makes herself incredibly easy to kill.
- At the end of the movie the guy in the safe somehow takes hours(possibly days) to turn into a zombie when it took Dave Batuista's character about 10 minutes.
- why are they nuking the city when the zombies are so easy to kill with napalm...they already killed nearly all of the zombies by the looks of it. And why did they parachute soldiers into the middle of a hoards of zombies instead of just napalming them first to thin them out? a band of 10 mercenaries managed to wipe out the Zombie kind and queen by themselves(which means that no more alphas could be made right?) so surely the US military could have wiped them out easily...
I probably missed some things. Feel free to add your own. This is what happens when you let Zack Snyder WRITE and direct a film. lol.