As a person with both parents and two brothers who are zombies I felt extremely offended
Hollywood Movies always represent zombies in an offensive manner like stupid creature that must be kill in the most offensive way as a form of entertainment most of the time to white audiences and what is worst i bet 99% of the time those are not even real zombies, just regular people with make-up taking jobs from zombie actors, Hollywood dont even care for the zombie comunity and never hired zombie actors to play ZOMBIES ¡¡HELLOOO!! this is just a little evidence of everything that is wrong with todays society
As a person with four members of my family that are zombies i just cant watch zombies movies anymore i just cant take all this ignorance, people dont choose be bitten by a zombie that just happen. Hollywood should be more sensitive and try to learn about the alternative canibalist lifestyle ACL and stop call them zombies a offensive terminology created by biggots white cismale cientist
And if you dont want to be biggott you should educate yourself as well im sorry i dont want be preachy and stuff and trigger your sensibility but if you dont raise your voice and star to boycott all this hateful anti-ACL propagand you know danm well you are part of the problem
Please dont respond in capital letters i get triggered by high noyses