Yeah, this movie was thrown around on forums a lot, and on the Martyrs IMDB board, so I checked it out tonight on Netflix in a mixed party.
Neither the guys nor the gals with me enjoyed it. It's full of so much ridiculous, dumb behavior and decisions. Not to mention the girls completely and single-handedly ruin the movie. No one wants them to live. Or maybe we weren't supposed to like them, who knows.
I'm just baffled at all of these people saying it's a disturbing, shocking movie. And these are people that used Martyrs and AntiChrist in the same sentence.
They got those last two movies correct, but there was nothing scary, thrilling, exciting, and most importantly disturbing about Donkey Punch. Unless they're referring to that knife scene. Yeah, so brutal; PG-13 stab wounds just make me cringe in terror! And that sex scene was just too hardcore for me; I mean, I saw boobz, male butt, and a glimpse of a soft peen. I'm just so shocked, I may have to cut back on Unrated movies for a while, because this stuff just pushed the envelope too far!!1!
Normally I wouldn't dislike a movie based on the fact that it lacks shocks or gore, but when you have a movie like this, that's just so incredibly predictable , dull, and has been done a million times, at least try to push some sort of shock envelope here. It was worse than the Human Centipede, which also was incredibly ridiculous. If you're gonna make a stupid movie to attract a certain niche, at least give them the stuff they want if you can't give them a good story. Human Centipede barely had side-boob, and am I to believe that they can go to the bathroom with underwear on?
I can't believe I've seen it(and this) on so many top horror lists.
I guess I just have to trust my own instincts and not any lists, but that makes me feel really stubborn and ignorant.
Oh well, you win some you lose some!
Red Road was 100x more thrilling and horrifying than this, and that movie has very little dialogue, movement, and no violence. That's how you make a thriller; slowly build atmosphere and tension.
Thrilling does not mean we are wondering who dies next, and how.