MovieChat Forums > Surrogates (2009) Discussion > Left Chubby Tech Guy to Die?

Left Chubby Tech Guy to Die?

What the hay?

Bruce Willis didn't take the time to make sure the tech guy in the control room was OK? After the guy practically saved the day by telling the Surrogate what to do.

All the commandos were Surrogates as well as the people who worked in the Police Office. Who was going to make sure he was OK?

That kind of killed the enjoyment I got out of the movie.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.



My thing is that no one has any reason to go to the Surrogates control center any time soon. Plus the guy was hand cuffed up in an awkward position. How would you like to be left like that for unknown hours.

Would it have killed the Bruce Willis character to get someone to check on Dude?

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Surely this is one of the first things he would do when he stopped hugging his wife.

Maybe he even stopped by the office on his way home. I'm sure he didn't forget about him.


Have you never seen the TV broadcast disclaimer:

"The following movie has been edited to run in the time allotted and for content."?

Well, there is also a movie runtime length limit, so the cinema can get as many screenings in a day as they can, so they make more money. Exceeding that limit by a minute or two cuts into the cinema's advertising revenue from all the ads they run before the shows, so there is significant pressure to limit the time of a film...

So, 'chubby tech' didn't get rescued from the surrogate control room on screen. Willis's character would not abandon him there.

The ending of EX MACHINA was seriously left in doubt though.
This one, not so much.


Devin Ratray looks and behaves a lot like another guy I knew. I would have killed him, given the chance. (Sarcasm alert).
