Operation Barbarossa Was Not A Mistake
Some of the anti Hitler plotters didn't like him because they claimed he involved Germany in a two front war when it wasn't necessary. This is simply not true. Hitler always claimed the reason for invading the Soviet Union was to prevent Stalin's planned invasion of western Europe - http://codoh.com/library/document/2948/ This has been confirmed by Russian historians Igor Bunich, Mark Solonin and Viktor Suvorov who have had access to Stalin era archives. The code name for the soviet invasion of Germany was Operation Thunderstorm (Operatsia Groza) - http://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7999
I am amazed at how people blindly accept communist propaganda. This is the same soviet government which for 50 years insisted that the Germans committed the Katyn massacre of Polish officers when they themselves knew it was a communist atrocity. www.katyn.org.au So why should anyone accept anything the USSR government said at face value including being the victim of "unprovoked aggression". I have read The Chief Culprit - Stalin's Grand Design To Start World War 2 by Viktor Suvorov. I highly recommend this book to all serious students of world war 2 history - www.amazon.com/Chief-Culprit-Stalins-Grand-Design/dp/1591148065/