So her dad DIED...

...and suddenly she's the bad guy here?

Where did they get that from? Was she oh-so-evil because she used to be a bi*ch? What difference does it make that she tried to REDEEM herself for her dad? How does that make her fake? Isn't it plausible that she would have quit performing at Bandslam anyway (even without the EVIL "social experiment") when her dad died, especially considering the song?

Why did Will walk up to her the day of the funeral and make the whole conversation about him and the stupid band when she must have been in complete pain? Why did everyone treat her like she was evil for "leaving" Will afterward?


Most. Unsympathetic. Characters. Evarrrr. (In both senses)

[Neytiri is CGI]



^^agree with poster above. She went back to the same way there for a minute. And my dad died, I didn't want people to treat me differently or pity me.


Yes, she said some things that were not ok. But he was also pushing her just after she lost her father, she is entitled to some crazy. They were allowed to be upset at her but I don't think they should have made it so hard for her to apologise.

Feed me a stray cat.


While I don't think she should have ditched her friends I can totally understand her pain. People don't act rationally or even really "nice" when they're in that kind of situation. She was scared to death about her dad and so she changed her life hoping that God would see this and help them out. When it didn't happen she was probably like "WELL SCREW EVERYTHING!" and she couldn't handle being around those people.

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The point is that when Alyson Michalka's character lost her father she was angry with God. She felt like she now no longer had to hold to her new found ways and could revert to her old ways as God decided to no longer live up to his end of the 'agreement'. Millions of people are like this, "OK God, I promise to be good as long as you do X for me". Once 'X' is taken away from them then they revert to their former selves. This portrayal in the movie is very believable. I am glad the producers used such a storyline to explain the implausible attraction between the goofy lead and his way cool sidekick.


To the OP and others who don't seem to get this: It is not that her dad died and that Will was pushing her to stay in the band or not willing to give her space. It was that when he was asking her to open up to him about why she was pulling away, why she didn't want to speak to him, that was when she basically said to him (I'm going to paraphrase here) that she was only acting like a friend to him and the rest of the band as a deal with God to try and save her dad. She states that it was an "experiment" to see if God would be willing to save him if she would be willing to give up her selfish lifestyle and give some charity to the less fortunate. She makes it pretty clear that both the daycare kids and the unpopular kids fall into the "charity" category. Where she really runs into trouble is at no time does she ever say that her experiment ever turned into a real friendship, so there is no reason for Will to think anything other than that he and the rest of them has been used by her for her own reasons. As Sa5m tells him earlier in the movie, Leopards and Cheerleaders never change their spots (I think that's what she says). That's why when she goes to apologize, he questions whether they can believe her sincerity. If someone admits they have been acting in an insincere manner in the past, it makes you question their sincerity in the future.

To each their own...opinion



I agree with DayvanCowboy. I had to concentrate so hard on that scene to even figure out why everyone was mad at each other. I thought it was also a little rude of him to confront her at the funeral.


He wasn't really confronting her at first, though. He just wanted to tell her he was sorry for her loss and see if she needed anything, because she did refer to him as her "best friend" and she hadn't been returning his calls. Then after she hurt him by basically saying he was a charity case, she decided to hurt him more by bringing up his past and his nickname, which she obviously knew would upset him. I actually thought the scene was well written and got a little emotional while watching it, but I guess that's just me.


I agree with the person who said it was poorly written. IT WAS!! And it's my least favourite scene in the movie. The dialogue is so cheesy and diabolical.

We're cheetah girls cheetah sisters.. b!tch


I agree with the poster. OH MY GOD i haven't seen one person give a bad review of this movie online and thank god for all of you guys because i thought i was going nuts. I agree that scene after the funeral was absolutely absurd.

But i dont think it just ends there i think the whole darn thing is pretty bad. For instance, the ex boyfriend or Ben Wheatley or whatever, who sings to Charlotte why the heck does he get mad at Will for being in the room? Him being in the back of the room on a computer while he just sang a song is a reason for him to be jealous? or mad? or what? WHY WAS HE MAD? i dont get it!

And how are we suppose to grow to like this guy for writing such a "heartwarming song" to his ex, when immediately after he pulls this move where he wants to dig up dirt on Will Burton. Again, for being in the same room!Is he a villan or not Todd Graff? make up your mind!

And then why does the entire school hate Will for having a father who was a drunk driver? this is the most cold hearted school ever!! Dewey? for DWI so cold and dumb. I'm not even going to mention the over exaggerated crowd participation. South by southwest or not, texas high school football isn't enough to cover the logic.

So all these people are making fun of WIll for having a drunk driving father who killed a kid or something. Jeez so *beep* dumb. You can't get this serious out of nowhere. And especially without meeting these unseen father figures ever.


People seem to think that Will went over to her house to bug her about the band. He went over to comfort his friend about her father dying. Will is not some stranger; they had been essentially best friends for months, and confided a lot in each other. He hears about her father dying from a teacher at school - rather than from her. If I was her friend, I'd at least have liked to get the news personally. He had tried to call to see if she was okay, and she hadn't responded. So he went to see her to make sure she was okay. Will wanted to be there for her - but Charlotte essentially treated him as if he wasn't important.

Y'all should also note that this is still pre-social media era. Not everyone was connected to Facebook and broadcasting their lives daily. So if Charlotte doesn't answer her phone or reply to her messages, no one knows how she is. She cut herself off from her friends, and then said what sounded like they were never her friends. They have every right to be annoyed at her for that, but when she apologised they forgave her like mature human beings. Out of consideration for the fact that she had been through a lot and wasn't using the best judgement.
