The Spectacular Spider-Man Finale's 10th Anniversary
5 years ago
TMC-4 (20259)
On this day 10 years ago, The Spectacular Spider-Man episode titled Final Curtain (Later revealed to be the premature series finale) premiered. Can't believe it's been a decade since then. I still remember watching the episode when my family's TV was having sound problems so most of the episode was muted (So I had wait to watch/hear the episode later).
Spectacular Spidey remains one of my Top 3 favorite shows to this day and Final Curtain was one of the shows best episodes. They did a great job wrapping up the whole Green Goblin mystery (BTW, this show has the best adaptation of Goblin IMO). Sadly, it was announced the series was cancelled a month later due to Marvel getting the TV rights to Spidey back (And their Spider-Man cartoons ended up sucking). If there's any show I could revive and let the original crew come back to finish their story, it would be Spectacular Spider-Man.
What's your opinion on Spectacular Spider-Man and it's final episode? Comment and let me know and thanks for reading. :0)