1. The Spectacular Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 94 3. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends 4. Spider-Man TV Series with N.Hammond 5. Spider-Man 67 6. Spider-Man 81 solo 7. Spider-Man Unlimited (ugh)
Say my name and I magically appear! - Spidey (Josh Keaton)
1. Spectacular Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man: The Animated Series 3. Spider-Man: The New Animated Series - I think that this show is really underrated. It fell though to the fact that it needed to work around the live action movies. 4. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends 5. Spider-Man Unlimited
I doubt that I will watch the rest, I can't stand American animation from the 60-80s unless it's Disney.
When the choice is between a American and a Russian film, always choose the latter.
I will definitely watch it then, I could almost stomach Spider-Man Unlimited for ten minutes so I should be able to handle anything the 60s has to throw at me.
When the choice is between a American and a Russian film, always choose the latter.
1. The Spectacular Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends and Spdier-Man '81 3. Spider-Man '94 and Spider-Man Unlimited 4. Spider-man '67 5. Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (MTV) 6. Spider-Man (Live-action)
I never saw the Japanese Spider-Man show. So, I can't rank it.
So the reason for cancellation was just an issue between Marvel and Sony for the rights and nothing to do with the show itself. Figures... both of them can go bankrupt for all I care.
- Gothamite #4
I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder
Yeah, so if you ever come across anyone saying the show was canceled because it sucked and had bad ratings, pay no attention to them. They're just talking out of their asses.
Below is my signature. lol It wasn't a response to the thread. But glad you all know. It's about time people know the real reason why it was cancelled. Basically, it was just bad timing. Nothing to do with the content or rating of the show, even though it did well and received high praise from fans and critics.
1) Spider-Man 1981 – I know many don't like it, but to me it's the best one overall I have seen. It was a bit darker than any Marvel or DC toon up to then and was closer to the comics as well. Animation wasn't so great, but ok. Short, but had the wonderful 5-part story with Dr. Doom
2) Spider-Man: The New Animated Series – Not popular again, and very short, but worked. Nice alternate sequel to the Raimi film and good animation. Best thing about it was it didn't have to pander to censors.
3) Spider-Man: TAS – pandering to the Fox censors was annoying and after season 1 the animation and voice acting was far too rushed. Seriously, I wouldn't doubt this show caused ADHD in some kids. Interesting they tried to condense 30+ years of comics in a 5 season (or whatever) show by truncating and making composites, but seems too crammed and jumbled. Batman TAS panning for gold approach to the comics is better. However, I like the serial approach in Spidey as opposed to the episodic one of Batman.
4) Spider-Man 1967 – The voice-acting is probably the best thing. Season 1's faithful quaint stories are great 60s fun. The Bashki seasons 2 and 3 were visually more interesting but unfaithful with their sci-fi monster fantasies. Spidey getting the Batman 50s treatment, LOL.
5) Spider-Man 1977 – Watered down origin without selfish struggles with powers and missing important characters, but works for an old cheese fest. Deadly Dust and Chinese Web were good back in the day.
6) Amazing Friends – Maybe I don't like this one so much b/c I didn't see it as a kid and hence I have no nostalgia for it. This is everything the solo show wasn't. Didn't have much to do with the comics and was lighter and more kid friendly. I probably like the X-Men appearances the best.
7) Jp show – visually more exciting, but full of giant robots and monsters like the Bashki cartoon. Physically though, the best tv Spider-Man for live-action ever.
8) Electric Company – Ok, I know this is for the very young and I have only seen 1 short, but not only is it unfaithful (no talking!) but really dumb! The sandwich spoiler! Why talk down to kids so much? Don't teach them to be stupid! Still his theme song was cool, it was much better than the Nick Hammond show and maybe better than the 60s toon.
9) Unlimited – Nothing like the comics, hated it.
Can't comment on Spectacular b/c I only ever saw a few episodes. Didn't like how it seemed more kiddiefied like The Batman (even the artwork reminded me of that show.) Still, that show got better and I ended up liking it. I'll have to give this a shot when I get time, people really seem to like it.
Am I unreal? Am I a character who can’t possibly exist? – Alissa Rosenbaum
Can't comment on Spectacular b/c I only ever saw a few episodes. Didn't like how it seemed more kiddiefied like The Batman (even the artwork reminded me of that show.) Still, that show got better and I ended up liking it. I'll have to give this a shot when I get time, people really seem to like it.
While the show's artwork is a bit kiddy like, it did actually have some mature themes and plots. Some of the death threats the show had could be pretty dark when you think about it.
Sick of threads "Megan Fox should play this!"
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Spectacular is one of those few shows were everything flows perfectly for me. The artwork is the only real complaint one might have about the show, but the stories, the action scenes and the dialogue are, well, spectacular, for the most part, so don't let the mere style bother you.
- Gothamite #4
I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder
You get hints throughout the first season but the origin is covered in episode twelve. Weisman did it so that the shows pacing would not get bogged down by starting with Peter's origin, especially since most people know it anyways.
When the choice is between a American and a Russian film, always choose the latter.