Worst recent oscar best picture nominee?
I haven't actually seen this but at 62% on rotten tomatoes and 58 on metacritic it definitley seems like the least loved of all recent best picture nominees. It's curious that some subjects like the holocast are loved by the Oscars. I also notice despite the lukewarm response to the film as a whole Kate Winslet's performance has been acclaimed as superb. Perhaps the Oscars have difficulty viewing a great performance seperatley from an entire film. Anyway this film wasn't even the most acclaimed starring Winslet in 2008, that was revolutionary road. Pesonally I am one of the group that thought Dark Knight was robbed of a nomination that year, despite it's comic book roots it is also a grim dark drama but I realise that certain types of films rarely get a look in. I'm surprised the Wrestler didn't get nominated that year, it got universal acclaim but I am not arguing its case as I think it's quite overrated. As I said, I haven't seen the reader but even if I watched it and personally thought it was brilliant the oscar love would still surprise me given the lack of critic love. I loved Benjamin Button but I was surprised by its oscar nomination as it also had a relatively high percentage of critics who weren't so keen on it. My expectation of what will get oscar nominated doesn't come from my opinions about films but what the critics say.