MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Reboot DCEU with Flashpoint?

Reboot DCEU with Flashpoint?

With a new timeline with younger versions of Superman and Batman with new actors.


Would be the best. But i think DC will continue with this Universe.

But I also think Batman and Superman should be younger (at their 20s) starting a Universe where the heroes are closer to retire than beginning their careers is not best decisiob in my opinion.


Having them be close to retirement age limits some possibilities, Affleck and Amy Adams are in their 40's by the time their solo films happen they'll be few late 40's, when they hit 50 they'll may not be hire as much.

With the way the JL BO is going they may start certain things from scratch like a new Superman, Lois lane and Batman.


I really wish that, the Universe should have started were Superman and Batman are young, but I don't think it will happen. I think DC want to make films with Nightwing and the Heroes Sons appearing.


Hero's sons may not work for movies. I wish BVS and JL were solo Superman films, kind of damage any hope for a solo Superman film with Cavill.

I be surprised if DCEU is cut short except for Wonder Woman.


If DC reboots the DCCU they will scrap everything even Wonder Woman. They have to distance themself from everything of this Universe.


I'm thinking that might be the case. You might have to sacrifice Gal Gadot here, even though she is well liked (I was wrong about her in the beginning. She does look great as WW).

Maybe they can finish Wonder Woman 2. Get whatever money they can. I'm sure it will do extremely well. And then, after that, wait about 3 years and do a TOTAL reboot like Spider-Man: Homecoming. Different tone, different people in charge, different cast and directors. Do it proper by giving Superman, WW, Batman, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman their solo films and make them as excellent as possible. Then a future Justice League reboot should have no problems making $1.5 billion across the world.


I would like a different filter aswell, and they should have introduced the characters first in solo films. The think is DC wanted to keep up with Marvel and that's why this BvS and Suicide Squad films and if they reboot (again) they will be even more behind and DC doesn't want that. But I'm all for a reboot.


Yep, that filtered look of the current DCEU has to go too. Snyder went too far trying to make it look "gritty", but the unnatural blue-silver tone just gives everything a depressive tone. When people's skin end up looking silver-gray, it makes them look sickly, and the whole film feels cold and metallic.

When I was watching the Avengers Infinity War trailer, I couldn't help but notice the huge difference in looks (and feel) between that trailer and the way-too-dark Justice League ones.


Yeah it is to depressing to look.The only thing I liked in Green Lantern was the Filter.


I think going a full five films before a new Justice League after a reboot might be too much... even with Avengers, Marvel only introduced a few characters, and then allowed new characters to "fold in" to the existing framework. This is smart from a storytelling standpoint, but also from a financial standpoint... this allows you to introduce new characters, with actors signed in to multi-film contracts, as older characters mature and, as the initial character's contracts expire, you can start to write them out. This is what I feel Marvel will be doing with a number of actors after Infinity War... fresh faces coming in as some of the old guard is on the way out.

If I were DC, I would reboot with a new Superman... a proper Superman who embodies the Superman we've all come to know and love. The next movie would be Batman, and that movie would have almost ZERO reference to anything that happened in the Superman movie. At this point, keep the characters totally separate. Allow each character to develop on its own, with its own distinctive flavor. The third movie would be Wonder Woman... again, distinct and on her own. Finally, the fourth movie would be Superman 2 and, for the first time, we start to pull on some threads that will tie those three together.

You would then, after four movies, do a proper Justice League, bring the three heroes, now properly developed in stand alone films, together. As you do, bring in one more character, Aquaman... he gets a bit of an intro in the new Justice League (much like Black Panther was introduced in Civil War).

After you do a proper Justice League, with characters everyone cares about, you can now do four films: Batman 2, Aquaman (who we now get to explore more in his own stand-alone), Wonder Woman 2, and Cyborg.

This slow trickling in of new characters allows each "hallmark" Justice League film to grow and be bigger than the previous. We'll actually get to see the development of the league... (continued)


from the initial three or four members to five, six, seven, etc... And, we'll be invested in each character.

The only way that a proper Justice League film will have gravitas is if we come to care about the individual characters.

It will also be helpful to have those characters have marked differences that naturally play off of each other. Superman's hopeful, "Boy Scout" persona which is counterbalanced by Batman's darker vigilante tactics. Aquaman's unique perspective as an "outsider" from the aquatic realm. Wonder Woman's innocence and naiveté coming from her sheltered upbringing. Give us characters with flavor and color, as opposed to dull, dour, grey characters who all seem to be the same shade of depressed grey.

Of course... this is all my opinion... but I think that giving each character their own personality, and allowing creative directors freedom to develop the characters totally independently, and only bringing them together for the big "event film" Justice League is the only way to do each character properly... and make the team up the big payoff we all want.


too late for that. DC has ruined most of their cash cows. how about they just ignore BvS, suicide squad and JL and instead give you PROPER introduction movies to some of their better, lesser known characters and slowly build it from there?


I feel they went into the team up phase too soon to properly develop some of the characters and at this point it seems the team up film hype is getting old.


With talk about Affleck quitting Batman I be surprised if Cavill left too.


I think a reboot is needed. The problem is, Wonder Woman was very successful, and Gal Gadot seems to be liked by many.

How do you solve a problem like Wonder Woman. Keep Gal Gadot and pretend Man of Steel, BvS and JL never happened? And if you do that, how long do you wait? Gal Gadot, fair lady, will be nearing 40 if we wait too long. She'll still be a stunner, of course, but if we reboot later when she's nearing 40, does that mean she will have a contract as Wonder Woman for years, and portray Wonder Woman in the rebooted universe while edging closer to 50?

Right now is a great time for her to be WW. It's a shame the other DCEU films are not up to par and have not fully impressed audiences.


Change the timeline like X Men with half of the same actors.


If they leave the characters in solo films I think they can just continue on, just ignore the cinematic universe aspect.


By now the cinematic universe craze is wearing thin.


Actually people want to see the cinematic universes more than ever. The Films are making more money than in the beginning.


I agree, just make good movies. As long as the films don't contradict each other you can always do a team up later if you really want to, but to force it from the start has not been good for these films.


Do you even make flashpoint? JL is a bad movie to launch a character from. The box office disappointment would cling to Flash and Cyborg. I say wait on any Flash movie till you see what happens with Aquaman and a WW2.


It's a tough call. In some says, this is a "best of" compilation, where fans of the actors and individual movies can come and see their heroes. Yet it's also a great opportunity for a reboot.

I think they're sticking with Affleck because he agreed to an individual movie.

Carvill (despite getting old looking) is still a square jawed, Clark Kent looking man.

Gal? She's their biggest hit so far.

Flash I actually thought could be younger. Maybe its because he was more or less like teenage Spiderman. Except he looks mid to late 20s.


Unless Affleck and Cavill leave due to a falling out with DC and WB.


Replace Affleck with Jon Hamm


Jon Hamm is to old to play Batman. If DC reboots this universe I want an actor in his 20s to play him.
